4. The Spring Court

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Dear family,

I've been living in the Spring Court for two weeks now. I'm safely settled in, happily living in one of the homely villages that are spread throughout Spring. I hired someone to winnow me to the Spring Court when I first arrived in Prythian. That way instead of getting further away from home, I'll be getting closer and closer every month!

Spring is very nice. It's eternally Spring here, but since I just came from home where we celebrated the spring solstice it doesn't feel too weird. Everything here is very alive, and very vibrant. I find that I enjoy the rainy spring days over sunny ones, just to get away from the over-bright colors and smells.

Unfortunately, the Spring Court is in a bit of a financial crisis. Their High Lord hasn't been seen in public for decades, which I find concerning. Everyone dislikes him too but doesn't express it all that much. I wonder what happened all those years ago.

Long story short I'm very happy right now! Everyone here is nice, and interested in me, a foreigner. It's different and new for them, and they want to hear all about Erilea.

I miss you all. Loki, stop teasing your sisters, and Kestrel and Samantha, stop provoking him. Mom, Dad, I miss you dearly. I hope you are all well.

Love, Ash

PS. Please tell Allan, Rain, and Severin that I miss them and I hope they are having fun studying abroad.

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My dearest family,

I've learned more about the history of Prythian, especially the Spring Court and it's rivalry with the Night Court. There was this whole event in which everyone tells their tales about when the Under the Mountain events plagued the land for fifty years. Prythian was ruled by a female fae from Hybern, the island country next to Prythian. She placed a curse of the High Lord of Spring, saying if he didn't have a human woman with poison in her heart say the words 'I love you' to him that he would be hers, and if he could find someone who did everyone would be free.

Then this girl came along. She fell in love with the High Lord of Spring but never said the words. The High Lord was taken Under the Mountain and she went to rescue him and free his people. She completed all the tasks that were given to her, but it cost her her life. She was saved by the combined powers of all seven High Lords, which turned her into a fae. She went back to Spring as the High Lord's lover.

Then on her wedding day, she was stolen away by the High Lord of the Night Court who she had made a deal with Under the Mountain. For a week (or two I can't remember, and the stories differ) every month, she stayed in the Night Court. She fell in love with the High Lord of the Night Court, and it turned out the whole time they were mates! The High Lord of the Spring Court got really upset and started working for the enemy.

He eventually, during the war with Hybern, betrayed his allies to save his old lover, but no one respected him anymore, and nobody trusted him. So he retreated to his mansion in the Spring Court, disappearing for years, still holding a grudge against the Night Court where his old lover was living happily as the new High Lady with her mate.

Quite an interesting backstory. I feel bad for the people on both sides. I can't imagine that that is all of the story. I continue to wonder what happened. I wonder if you, Mom and Dad, know anything else since you have met both the High Lord of Spring and the High Lord and Lady of the Night Court.

Hugs and love for everyone! Ash

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My dear best friend Gabriella,

I'm in Prythian! It's so exciting!

Right now I'm in the Spring Court, the southernmost part of Prythian in the fae lands. I'm going to be working my way north everyone month, court by court.

I know you may well have been in Aldarlan while I sent this letter to Caraverre. You may have found a stack of letters waiting for you by the time you return home with Evangeline.

Either way, I have included a packet of seeds full of different types of flowers. There are so many types of flowers here! Many of which I have never even seen before! I hope with seeds will take to the soil, so you can have a new addition to your gardens.

I wish you the best. Stay safe, don't start any civil wars.

Your best friend, Ash

PS. You better send me a letter whenever Calvin proposes! You two are the cutest lovebirds!

PPS. Say hi to Evangeline, Aunt Lysandra, and Uncle Aedion for me!


These next few chapters will be shorter. They show some of the letters Ash wrote to her family and friends while exploring Prythian.

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