10. Velaris, the Night Court

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Hello everyone,

I'm currently in the Night Court, the city of Velaris to be exact. I'm now just a few hours at most from home. Just because I miss you all so much I might come back to visit in another week. I also want some more things from my room.

Velaris is very beautiful, and although I've been here once, I never really got the chance to appreciate it and explore the city. I'm hoping to find a good theater so I can see a symphony or play. I miss the theater in Orynth, so hopefully, I can find one that lives up to it.

I unpacked my things already, and my apartment in the city is very cozy. I've already added some touches to it, setting out things that I've collected during my adventures. My apartment contains a little bit of each court.

My closet has plenty of room, but I'm sure it won't stay like that for long. I've done some window shopping and have had to tear myself away from some windows. The clothes here and so pretty! I am going to end up spending the rest of my money accidentally.

I miss you all. Mom, Dad, I'm still staying safe, don't worry about me. Loki I hope you are being nice to your sisters, and Kestrel and Samantha try to tolerate Loki too. Allan, I miss you. You are such a great supportive brother. Rain and Severin I hope you are still enjoying Wendlyn. You'll have to explain it to me, I've always thought it was interesting.

Love, Ash

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It had just been a few days since I had arrived in the Night Court. I found a great little apartment in the city of Velaris, and had just sent a letter to my family telling them that I was back in the Night Court, and only a couple hours away from home.

Velaris was an amazing city. It was an artist's dream. I couldn't wait to go explore the Rainbow and find a music studio. I can't remember the last time I got to dance.

Dancing was always my favorite hobby, besides playing the piano. I always aspired to be a dancer. My dreams were shot down when my brother said as a princess I had to help support the kingdom, not run off and be a dancer. I stopped dancing in the palace after that, but once a month snuck into the city to practice in a studio. But since I've been in Prythian I haven't found the chance to search for a good studio. Now I hope I could find one

Locking my apartment door I skipped down the stairs and opened the door, walking out into the street. It was busy right now. At mid-morning everyone was out and about, exploring the city and shopping. I was heading to the rainbow so I shifted quickly, taking to the skies.

The skies were usually clear. Occasionally there was a visiting Peregryn flying around or fae with bat-like wings called Illyrians. Today the skies were clear. I flew silently, enjoying the morning breeze. No other birds occupied the skies, and it was a clear sunny day, not a cloud in the sky.

Then something nearly flew into me. I pulled up as a flying Illyrian laughed as he flew towards the city. I hovered in the sky and squawked at him in annoyance. Then, before I could tell what was happening, I was hit by something. We fell through the sky, hurtling towards the ground. I heard someone scream, and it might have been me because in that moment I turned back into my fae form. Then with a thump and a crack, I was on the ground. My whole body hurt, but I couldn't feel my arm

"Holy gods," I moaned. The person on top of me quickly jumped off of me, apologizing so fast I couldn't understand him.

"Oh my gods! Orion did you kill her?!" one of the fae asked, another fae behind him staring at me in horror.

"No, but her arm is definitely broken," the other one that fell into me said to the other two.

"What are we going to do Cap?" the one behind the first fae said.

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