13. Telepathic Communications

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The next few days I didn't see Rae. I spent way too much time thinking about the kiss from the other night, and a lot of time punching myself for believing it meant something. Surely if it meant something then wouldn't she have come to visit, or at least talk to me?

All of these thoughts rattled in my head for days. So finally in order to distract myself, I sat down to write a letter to my family. I recounted what had been happening the last few weeks but smartly decided to leave out the part about my arm being broken. That would surely be enough to trigger my mom and my dad wouldn't stop her from coming to kill Orion. I didn't need any of my new friends dying.

While writing my head suddenly started feeling weird. I shook it and ignored the feeling. But when it didn't go away I checked my mental shields to find a tear in the fabric that protected me. I went about to fixing it, but right before it sealed closed I heard something.

Hello? Ash?

Startled I forgot about my mental shields and stared blankly at the letters on the table. Was Rae in my head? How did she do that?

Rae? Is that you? I asked, hesitant.

Yes! Oh, this is brilliant! I didn't think this would work!

What would work?

I'm practicing my reach for my telepathic communication. Daemati stuff.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead, then heard giggles.

What is it? I asked

I suddenly got an image of you rubbing at your forehead.

I blushed and covered my face.

You know I got that image too. You're so cute when you blush.

Rae! I groaned. Don't tease!

What if I'm not?

My face got redder, and I tried not to focus too hard on my feelings. What if she wasn't joking, and just admitted I was cute? My head felt light and fuzzy but in a good way.

You still there Ash?


Are you doing anything today?

I'm just trying to write a letter to my parents about the events from the past few weeks.

There was a pause on Rae's end for a few moments.

You are leaving out the part about Orion breaking your arm, right?

Definitely, I answered with a giggled.

Alright, stay home then. I'm coming over soon. Dress nicely.

What do you mean by nicely?

Slightly fancy.

I stayed silent trying to figure out what Rae was planning.

Ash, you there?


Be ready by six. I'll be there.

I'll be ready. Promise.

✧ ✧ ✧

I was in a simple dark purple dress that came to my knees. The dress had cap sleeves, but because we were going out at nice I pulled on a white cardigan. I had pulled back my hair back into a messy bun, and little wisps of hair blew against my face. I had but some cosmetics on my eyelids and lips but left it simple. Then I pulled on some black flats and waited for Rae.

When I heard a knock on the door I nearly flew towards it. But I composed myself and took a deep breath before opening the door. On the other side was Rae.

She was gorgeous. Her strawberry-blond gold hair was braided and settled over her shoulder. She was wearing a one-piece black pantsuit. She had a short-cropped golden jacket. She had golden cosmetics around her eyes, and her lips were a glossy pink, coated in a thin layer of cosmetics. Her eyes shined when they meet mine.

"Hey," she said.

"Hi," I breathed.

"Ready to go?" she said. She extended her hand and gave me a smile. I smiled back and took her hand. Within seconds we winnowed away carried through the winds with her powers.

After landing gracefully in the middle of the Rainbow Rae lead me into a restaurant. She led me to our reserved table on the rooftop terrace, which gave us a beautiful view of the city and night sky. We sat down, across from the table. Rae grabbed a menu and flashed me a smile and I quickly grabbed the other so a could hide my reddening face.

Blushing again?

I straightened in my seat and look Rae in the eye. She smirked.

"Stop doing that before telling me," I hissed.

Rae smiled. "Why does it matter?"

"It just does," I mumbled as I raised my menu again.

Rae reached across the table and pulled the menu down, forcing me to look at her.

"Stop hiding your beautiful face," she said softly. "The world needs to see your beauty."

I blushed and Rae looked back to her menu. We ordered and when the food arrived we ate in silence. It wasn't awkward though. We enjoyed one another's company, and someone the silence was pleasant.

When we were finished at the restaurant Rae quickly paid the bill before winnowing me somewhere else. This time we landed on a roof, a private one.

There were little potted plants on top of the roof. Under a small terrace was a pair of chairs and a small table. Little lights hung above it, dimly lighting up the roof. On the edge of the roof was a lantern. Beyond it was the city and all of the Rainbow. In the far distance, you could barely make out the House of Wind.

Rae walked to the edge of the roof and looked out on the city. I joined her and stood close. I wrapped my arms around myself and pulled my cardigan tighter. Despite my fiery genes, the cold wind made me shiver slightly.

"Where are we?" I asked turning to face her.

Rae inhaled the night air.

"Somewhere special," she said. She sat on the edge of the roof, her legs hanging over the side. She pulled me down next to her and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Why is this place special?" I asked.

"Because I'm with you," Rae whispered. Then she pulled me closer and with her other hand brushed the side of my face. Cradling my with both of her hands now she brought her face to mine, kissing me slowly. I leaned into the kiss and wrapped my arms around her. When we pulled away we were both breathless.

"I've been wanting to do that all week," she said.

"I've wanted to do that forever ago," I said. "I've always wanted you."

"And I want you," she breathed, before pecking me on the lips. "Be my girlfriend Ash?"

"I've been waiting for you to say that forever," I said.

We pulled each other close, kiss one last time, and held onto each other. Beyond us the city hummed a glowed with activity. Above us, the stars shined and watched over us. But together we forgot all about that. Because when were with one another that's all that mattered. Holding each other in our arms.


Sorry for the short chapter. I liked how it felt complete like this.

Happy 2020 everyone. Hope you had a good holiday!

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