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Two females stood on a balcony overlooking a dazzling city. The dim city lights looked like a reflection of the sky, making it seem like both earth and sky were covered with stars. There was a slight chill to the air, the March weather having been colder than usual, but tonight was the Spring Solstice and hopefully, warm weather would bless them soon.

The female with the golden hair hummed as she pulled her mate to her chest. The shorter of the two giggled as her mate rested her chin on her head. Both of them were looking at the view.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me your birthday was on the night of Starfall," the golden-haired one said, poking her mate. Her mate giggled again.

"Well I didn't know my birthday, the spring solstice, and your Night Court holiday all shared the same date," she said with a short laugh. The both of them smiled and looked back up at the sky.

Shooting stars, or what looked like shooting stars, soared across the sky. The golden-haired female appreciated the view, but it was nothing new to her. She sees this wonder every year. Instead, she studied her mate's face, for this was her first time seeing this spectacle.

Her mate's face lit up as she stood there, amazed by the sight. Pure joy filled her eyes and smile as she laughed and pointed up at the sky. The golden-haired female grinned. She leaned down and kissed her mate on the cheek. Giggling her mate turned to face her, pulling her face to hers.

Their mouths met, their faces heated, and their bodies pressed against one another. Their hearts beat loudly as their lips moved against each other in a perfect rhythm. It was a beautiful moment, one that only they and the stars above shared.

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