12. Kinda a Little in Love

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Rae self-appointed herself as my personal tour guide for around the Night Court. She understood that I didn't have any friends in Prythian and made sure she was there for me. Although she got bored with some of my requests, and Orion tagged along often, I'd like to think that we became good friends. We went out for lunch more than once together, and I invited her over to my place often. She also brought me to her mother's art studio once to paint, which she was better at than me, despite her lack of experience.

All of this was why I decided to take Kai's advice.

With my arm all healed I flew over to Rae's house. I landed swiftly on the front step of their manor and knocked on the front door as I checked my mental shields. The door opened to reveal an older fae male with eyes that looked purple.

"Hi," I said. "Is Orion home?"

The fae raised a brow and opened the door. "I'll get him for you," he said before he winnowed away. I stood awkwardly in the lobby of their house. Orion winnowed in seconds later, with a smile on his face. I didn't return it.

"Orion, can I talk to you somewhere privately?" I asked, my expression serious. Orion dropped his smile, but nodded and took my hand.

We winnowed into a room, a messy room. Some plants sat in the windowsill, dying either from the sun or too much water. Papers crowded the desk near the window, and weapons were overflowing from the top drawer of the dresser.

"Nice room," I said sarcastically.

Orion rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry," he said. "What did you want to talk about?"

I gripped his hand and pulled him onto his bed beside me so we were sitting side by side. I still held onto Orion's hand and I could see the blush spreading across his face as I looked up into his eyes.

"I have a confession," I said. "I don't like you."

Orion's mouth dropped.

"That came out wrong!" I said rapidly, trying to recover as my face heated. "I'm not attracted to you!" I felt like hiding my face in my hands as my face turned red.

Orion backed away and put his head in his hands.

"How did you figure out I like you?" he asked through his hands, his words muffled.

"You blush every time we meet eyes," I confessed. "And your brother Kai told me."

Orion groaned into his hands.

I scooted closer to Orion. "Look, I would probably like you if I didn't already like someone else."

Orion sat up quickly. "Really, who is he?"

"She," I replied.

A confused look crossed Orion's face before he realized what I said.

"Oh," he said. "Oh." He paused for a second. "So, who do you like?"

I blushed. "Um," I said, messing with my hair. "Rae."

Orion blinked.

"Rae," he said slowly. "Raegan-Sun. My sister?"

I nodded and blushed. Orion stared at me for a long time before flopping back onto his bed.

"Shit," he mumbled. "I can't compete with her! She's gorgeous and everyone knows it!"

I awkwardly patted Orion's knee. "I'm sorry it's not going to work between us. Can we stay as friends?"

Orion grinned at me. "Of course! I could use more friends!"

I returned his smile.

After my awkward confession, Orion brought me back downstairs. Their house was beautiful, and artwork lined the walls. The times I had previously visited I never got a good chance to look at them.

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