18. Of All the Tragedies, Why This One?

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Stepping through the portal, leaving Rae behind, it was almost like shedding a second skin. Prythian had become a part of me and leaving it behind felt odd. But I had a duty to fulfill. To save Prythian and it's people. It wasn't as if it was even that difficult. I just had to get past my parents and sneak out some books.

I stepped onto the broken rocky path that was at the entrance to the Gateway. Things had changed. Spring had come and gone, and the remains of summer were starting to fade. There was a slight chill to the air, and fallen leaves were starting to pile up. The trees were changing colors, and the forest was quiet.

I shifted in my bird form and took to the skies. I flew over the forest, the palace in my sight. In no time I was shifting back as I landed gracefully onto the palace lawn. I raced up the stairs and opened one of the huge glass doors that lead into the ballroom. I snuck in and quickly made it into the hall. I headed straight for the library.

I opened the huge door and headed for the back to the least visited area of the library. I found the shelf I was looking for almost immediately. The books on the shelf were collecting dust, but it was almost if they had a dark aura to them. These were the books my mother never let me read when I was little. By the time I grew up I stopped caring about them because once I was allowed to read them they no longer seemed as interesting. Now they could be the secret to defeating the Valg.

I shuffled through books, scanning the pages searching for answers. I kept looking because I knew there had to be something hidden in these pages. I couldn't have given Rae's family false hope. I had to return with something.

"Ash? You're home?"

I looked up to see Sam staring at me. She had an armload of books in her hands and was looking at me with wide eyes. She was truly surprised to see me.

"Hi Sam," I said awkwardly.

"Why are you looking at the off-limits books?" Sam asked. Her expression went from surprised to confused, and worried. "Is something wrong?"

"It doesn't matter," I said hastily. "Are Mom and Dad home?"

Sam nodded. "They're in the sparring room. Why? Have you come to stay for a while?"

"No, I have business to take care of in Prythian," I said. I stood up, grabbing the few books I had found that seemed useful. I passed Sam, walking quickly towards the exit.

"Where are you going?!" Sam asked, calling after me. I heard something thump behind me and turned back to see Sam jogging towards me, her pile of books on the floor.

"Sam I'm busy!" I snapped. Sam ignored me.

"Are you going to tell Mom and Dad that you're back?" she asked, skipping alongside me. I growled in frustration.

"I'm trying to avoid them," I answered. "Is it just you and Kestrel and Loki home?"

"Yup!" Sam said. "Fenrys is with Mom and Dad though. He's keeping score."

"Good," I said under my breath.

We continued down the hall. Sam kept asking me useless and somewhat annoying questions. As much as I was happy to see her now was just not the time. If I were here under other circumstances I would love to chat, but I didn't have the time. For all I knew the Night Court could be suffering from another Valg attack. I was their only clue to help get rid of the Valg.

Finally, we reached my destination. I set my books on the floor next to the door of Mom's study. I tried the handle but it was locked. I grumbled and started to try my best to pick the lock with my wind powers.

"Ash what are you doing! We aren't allowed in there," Sam hissed.

"Now is not the time Sam," I grumbled.

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