8. End of a World

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After nearly two days of holding off the enemy, Ash, Orion, Helion, Aunt Mor, and I were going in for the Caldron. As long as three of us made it, or Helion and another person, we could take control of the Caldron's power, stealing it from Orcus' hands. Three of us had to survive. But that was easier said than done.

The battlefield, or the Spring Court if you could even call it that anymore, look liked the end of the world. Weapons, blood, and bodies littered the ground. It was like a wave came and crashed on top of them, killing them all. In this case, it was the valg army.

While the valg slowly pushed back our forces not once was Orcus seen. He had never appeared on the battlefields and we had some spies searching for him. It was likely that he had a hidden camp somewhere near his army where he slowly was working on unfolding his plans on the destruction of Prythian. I heard my parents mention that the rest of the High Lords were going to attack and distract him while we five went in for the Caldron. I only hoped that they could keep him busy and that the rest of our forces could keep the valg at bay. And that everyone could stay alive.

I knew Mor and Helon would do anything to keep us younger fae alive. Even though we weren't children anymore, in their eyes we still were. And fae children were to be protected at all costs. But this wouldn't stop me from taking a blade for Ash, and deep down I knew Orion would do the same for me, and I for him. It was wishful thinking to believe we would all get out of this unscathed, we were at war after all. Yet there was that little part of me telling myself that everything would be okay. I sure hope it would.

Dressed in fighting leathers and light armor I made my way to our small group, where we were gathered to discuss the plan one last time. It was early morning and we were at the edge of our main camp, where the last of our forces were gearing up. We hoped this would be the last fight, but there was a chance we could fail. Then we could only hope that we could regain ourselves to try and defeat the valg before they slowly took over each of the courts.

The expressions on the faces of our tiny group were grim. Helion had just finished saying goodbye to his mate and Lucien and Orion and I hugged our brothers and parents goodbye. Ash was already sitting with Aunt Mor, not having anyone to send her off. But I had seen her talking to Kair earlier, and I hope he gave her some words of encouragement. My parents had also said a few words to her, likely thanking her for risking her life for people and a world she barely knew.

"Are we ready?" Helion asked. He looked at the faces of our battered and drained group. We didn't look like an elite force that would save the day. We looked like tired soldiers who knew they were going on a suicide mission.

"As ready as we can be," Aunt Mor said darkly. "It's not every day you get sent on a mission that you could wind up dead from."

"Not every day you see two wars in the same century either," Helion commented. He looked to Orion, Ash, and I. "Are you sure you kids want to do this?"

"If it means saving my family, my friends, and my court, then of course," Orion said. I nodded in agreement and took Ash's hand in mine, who was also in agreement.

"We are Prythian's last hope," Ash said. "If my giving my life means saving thousands of others, then I am willing."

"I have nothing poetic to say but I agree," I said. "I'm doing this for Prythian."

"For Prythian," we all whispered together. Then we joined hands and winnowed into the heart of the battlefield.

I had seen carnage before, but nothing on a scale like this. These past two days, past hours, I had been watching from a distance or at the edge of the field. But to suddenly be in the midst of battle was overwhelming. The sights, sounds, smells. It was too much at once, but nevertheless I drew my sword. My back was to Ash's and we walked in a small circle keeping back the enemy.

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