14. Announcing the News

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The worst thing about getting together with someone is telling your friends and family. They either fully support your choice, or don't. Or they start acting really strange, and can't act normal around you. And it's extremely awkward having to impress and live up to Rae's older brother's expectations.

A couple of days after me and Rae's date she invited her brothers to join her at Rita's so we could break the news. Kai arrived first, silently sliding into the booth across from us. Orion came in next and sat down next to Kai. He awkwardly picked his nails, the silence between us thick. Lastly, Capricorn and Leo arrived. Leo sat next to Orion and Capricorn pulled up a chair so he could sit at the end of the table.

"So," Orion said. "What's up Rae?"

Rae and I exchanged a look. Under the table we clasped our hands together, squeezing slightly. Rae looked away from me to look at Orion.

"Well, Ash and I have gotten together and we wanted to break the news to you all," Rae said.

Orion's jaw dropped and Leo started coughing. Capricorn just kept looking between the two of us, shocked. Kai smiled.

"Which one of you had the guts to ask first?" Orion asked.

"Rae asked," I said. "She was always the one to act first."

"So, you guys aren't going to wait for your mates?" Leo asked.

Rae sighed and tapped her fingers on the table.

"The likelihood of us finding our mates is pretty slim. I want to enjoy our relationship without worrying about mates," Rae said.

"Plus if we grow to like one another more, then we won't necessarily go looking for our mates," I said. "Because when the perfect one is right in front of you why would let them go?" I looked up at Rae's eyes and smiled.

Rae smiled and leaned down to kiss me gently.

"You're too sweet," she said. I blushed.

"Did anyone expect that they would get together?" Capricorn asked. "I feel so out of the loop."

Kai smirked. "I saw it coming."

Rae blinked. "You did?"

Kai nodded. "As soon as I noticed the way Ash was always staring at you I could tell somewhere down the line you guys would end up together."

"You what?" Capricorn asked. Leo sighed and Orion slumped in his seat.

Rae looked down at me and I shrugged. She just raised a brow and shook away her confusion.

"So, when are you guys gonna tell Mom and Dad?" Leo asked.

Rae's eyes widened.

"I forgot I would have to break the news to them," she groaned. I rubbed her back softly.

"If it makes you feel better I have at least fifteen people I have yet to break the news too," I said. "I grew up with all of my mom's friends and their kids, and they will all want to know."

I sighed. "I have a lot of extended family."

✧ ✧ ✧

It turns out Rae's parents took the news very well. We sat down in their parlor and had some tea. Rae did most of the talking while I sipped the warm beverage. Feyre took the news well and congratulated us, but Rhysand almost spilled his tea because he was fairly surprised.

We did have to explain to Rhysand that dating was the same thing as courting one another because it was a newer term and younger fae use. Feyre kinda understood because she was younger, but didn't understand the terms boyfriend and girlfriend. I don't really understand why they chose to use those words but I just went with it.

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