9. The Day Court

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To my beautiful family,

LIBRARIES! The libraries here! Oh my gosh! I haven't seen so many books in my life! Nothing can compare to these libraries! Seriously! There is literally an entire street dedicated to just libraries! I don't think I was truly living before I came into one of them. So, sorry not sorry that I specially picked out books for all of you. It took me forever to find somewhere I could buy a copy of each book, so please adore those books. Even you Loki, even though you detest reading you might like the one I picked.

On another note, this court is very beautiful! Every day the sun is bright, even when it starts to rain. Every time it rains the sun still shines through, and rainbows are everywhere. I really like the apartment I have. It's above a shop and I get a great view of the city streets. The views are amazing. If I was any good at painting I would be sitting out on my balcony every day, trying to capture the beauty of the city.

Mom, Dad, I know you've been here for meetings, but you should definitely come to explore the libraries and city some time. It's marvelous. You can't miss this opportunity.

Enjoy the books I sent. I miss you all so much. I'll definitely be back for Yulemas, which I know is still months away. I love you guys.

Love you all, Ash

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Dear Rain and Serverin,

I'm not sure when you've gotten this letter, being in Wendlyn and all. I'm not only an ocean away, but a world away too.

Anyway, I've been to the Day Court. The libraries there, gods, they are beautiful. I think you would both have a heart attack if you walked into one. And there are dozens. There are literally libraries dedicated to one topic, with scholars, priests, and priestesses caring for them. I've sent you some books that I found from a bookstore, which are also heavily stocked with books. Seriously, you guys should come and see them.

I hope you are both having fun studying in Wendlyn, doing whatever you do. I hope your not too bored being stuck with fae scholars all day, but maybe you guys enjoy doing that every day. I for one, don't.

Love, your younger sister Ash


The longer chapters will start back up in the next update. These are the last we are going to see of Ash's letters.

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