Author's Note

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Well, that's the end.

Honestly, there are so many things I love and hate about this fanfic, but I can't believe I got this far. Thank you guys so much. You guys helped me push through to the end, and make sure this story got an ending.

I loved reading, and responding, to all of your comments. Each vote put a smile on my face, and each view encouraged me to continue writing. Seriously, after that long break, I don't think I would have continued if it wasn't for all of your support.

I'm so glad I finished this fanfic. I know the ending wasn't probably what everyone was expecting, and it was a little rushed, but it was an ending nonetheless. I'm glad I finally gave Ash and Rae the ending they deserved.

~ ~ ~

I do have a sequel in mind. About Rae's eldest brother, Kai. I've always liked Kai's character, and he was the first OC/new character I added to this story. He was in this story's prequel, Fae of Fire and Night, even if he was just a baby then. But I've always wanted to do more with him and have had a story in mind for a while now.

I'm currently writing it, but depending on how it goes it may never release. But it all depends. But I'll let you guys know if it does. And let me know if you are interested in seeing it!

~ ~ ~

But one last time, thank you for accompanying me on this journey! I'm so glad I finished another story and that you guys all liked it. Thank you so much! :D

- Pidge S.

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