8. The Dawn Court

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To my family,

I have never seen more beautiful sunrises and sunsets. These ones are truly marvelous. Nothing can compare. Seriously, it's as if the sky painted itself.

Something interesting about the Dawn Court is that a special species of fae originates from here. They are called Peregyrn, and they have feathered wings. I've seen them flying around, occupying the skies. I've heard that many of them are in an aerial legion, but others live out their lives, not interested in joining the military. They are quite majestic, and I kinda wish that I had wings like theirs. I love my bird from, but it would be fascinating to have feathered wings like theirs. They are so beautiful, ranging in a wide variety of colors.

I live in a nice village, close to the capital of the court. Something notable is that all the houses have red roofs. I have no idea why, but I think it's cute. It makes the place special and memorable.

I'm enjoying my stay in the Dawn Court. It's nice to take a break from eternal seasons and have a good time in the Solar Courts. It's also not as cold here. It's a temperature I can agree with and live in. Nowhere near the hazardly temperatures in the Winter Court.

I miss you all dearly. I hope you are all well.

Sending a bundle of love, Ash

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Kestrel and Samantha,

I'm very sorry I missed your birthday celebration. I know you were hoping I could make it but I didn't have the time because I was moving. I hope thirteen is treating you well. Make sure to kick Loki's annoying ass for me.

Pay attention to your tutors and Fenrys, and be polite to Mom and Dad. I know you love to goof off, but your studies are important, along with your manner.

I miss you both. You are both amazing sisters with hearts of gold. I know you both inherited Mom looks, along with Dad's hair, so when the boys start chasing after you you better stand up for yourselves. You guys better kick their asses if they start getting to close. Why waste your first kiss on some stupid little boy?

Look out for each other. You're both growing into fine young women.

I love you both so much. Enjoy the presents I sent, I hope you like them.

Loves from your older sister, Ash

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