5. The Autumn Court

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To my dear family,

I've arrived safely in the Autumn Court. It is very orange here. Everywhere I go there is this chill in the air, and red, orange, yellow, and brown leaves lying everywhere. I've always enjoyed autumn, but here it is a different matter. It feels less alive, likely because everything is on the edge of life and death.

I've found a cozy little apartment in a city. I spend most of my days curled up in a chair borrowing books from bookstores and libraries. I usually always have a hot drink with me. You wouldn't believe the number of teas and other hot drinks they have! One of my favorites in their hot chocolate! It's delicious.

I might not stay in Autumn for that long, because I'm excited to take a break from the cold and rocky beaches and see the sunny sandy beaches in the Summer Court.

With this letter, I have also included a book of fairytales and lore that originated in the Autumn Court. Kestrel and Samantha, and think you will enjoy it. It's full of interesting stories. I for one couldn't stop reading until I finished the whole book.

I love and miss you all. I hope everyone is well. I for one am lying in bed right now with a cup of tea nearby, trying to recover from a cough I've caught. My nose is not happy, it's very sore. Stay well.

Loves, Ash

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Greeting Calvin,

I hope you are well. I for one am a little under the weather. The Autumn Court is always chilly, and I've caught a cold from one of my neighbors.

I'm having a wonderful time in Prythian! I am interested in discovering all of the history behind Prythian and it's courts. The history from the past hundred years is what I find the most interesting. It's hard to get fae to sit and chat about Prythian's history, but I'll just have to see what happens in the Summer Court.

Sorry to cut this letter short. I'm not a very good letter writer, that's for sure. I'm also busy packing my stuff. I'm moving to the Summer Court next week. I'm ready for some sunshine and warmth!

Tell me if anything happens with you and Gabriella. If you dare break her heart I will come back home to kill you personally. She's my best friend, and dearest cousin, so her rank is higher than yours.

Warm regards, Ash

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