11. Overprotective Much?

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It had been a few days since I had met the High Lady's family or part of it at least. I could tell my arm was healing, but it still bothered me. I tried to lift something kinda heavy with it the other day and it made me nearly double over in pain. I just hoped it wouldn't give me trouble in the future.

Besides that, I was really enjoying my time in the Night Court. I wished I could take to the sky again, but a broken wing wouldn't do me any good. So I spent my time exploring Velaris. I found a music studio and the owner let me have a go at the piano. I was still looking for a dance studio though. Perhaps dancing wasn't popular in the Night Court.

Just like most days, I was back out on the streets of Velaris. I was having a good time exploring, and trying not to spend too much of my savings. The streets were crowded, and I had bumped into one too many fae. At this point, I was starting to get paranoid by all the fae bumping into me. So when I felt someone's hand grip my shoulder instinct took over. I grabbed their hand and with as much force as I could I flipped them over my head, slamming them into the ground in front of me.

"Ow," the fae groaned. "All I wanted to do was apologize."

"Orion, are you alright?" said another fae from behind me. Confused I saw Rae kneel beside the fae, and that's when I recognized him. It was her brother, the one that knocked me out of the sky.

"Oh gods, I'm sorry," I apologized. "I didn't mean it, oh gosh."

Rae snickered and smiled up at me. "It's alright Ash, he's just exaggerating."

"No, I'm not," Orion said as he got up. "I can feel my wings aching."

"Your wings aren't even out," Rae said.

"Well my back hurts."

Rae rolled her eyes and gave me a look that said 'can you believe him?'

"Look, Ash right?" Orion said. "I came to apologize for the other day."

"Apology accepted," I said. Orion blinked in surprise.

"Oh, that was easier than I expected," Orion said looking to his sister. Rae crossed her arms and glared at Orion. They seemed to engage in a silent conversation. At the end of it, Rae flipped her hair over her shoulder triumphantly and Orion sighed.

"Ash, did you have lunch yet?" Orion asked.

"No," I said, not catching onto what he was asked.

"Want to go out for lunch?" Orion said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Like, a date?" I asked. Orion blushed.

"No, I was going to introduce you to the rest of my siblings," he said quickly. Rae snickered and looped her arm through mine.

"Come on," she said. "We know a great restaurant."

And with that I blinked as we winnowed away. Then we were standing in front of a nice looking cafe, or restaurant, called Rita's or something. Orion winnowed in next to us and we walked in.

"It looks busy," I said kinda wanting to leave.

"No worries," Orion said. "Our table should already be ready."

We walked to the back of the restaurant to a table in the back that three other male fae were sitting at. Rae sat next to two of them and Orion grabbed me into the booth next to the other one.

"You're late," the fae with black hair and blue eyes said. He suspiciously reminded me of Dorian.

"Orion had an apology that he was putting off," Rae said looking to me.

"Yeah," Orion said. "So this is Ash." He gestured to me, presenting me to the group. I waved awkwardly, wanting to sink in my seat and disappear.

"Oh! I know you!" one of the fae across from me said. "She's the bird girl you knocked from the sky!"

"Can we please forget that!" Orion begged.

"You broke my arm," I said. "It cannot be forgotten."

The black-haired and blue-eyed fae snickered. "I like you," he said. "My name is Kairyn, but you can call me Kai."

"And I'm Leo and beside me is Capricorn," the fae the spoke early said. He pointed at his brother, likely twin from their looks.

"You can call me Cap if you want," Capricorn said.

"Or Corny," Rae said.

"Watch it Raegan-Sun," Capricorn growled. Rae stuck out her tongue out at him.

"Gosh, you're acting like my siblings," I said with a groan.

Orion smiled and held back a laugh and all his siblings on the other side of the table glared at him.

"Can't we just get some food now?" Kai said scanning his menu.

I reached for a menu and my hand brushed against Rae who reached for the same menu as me. I blushed and pulled my hand back. Rae gave me a small smile and pushed the menu towards me before grabbing another for herself. I inwardly grinned and continued to blush as I read the menu.

✧ ✧ ✧

After the lovely meal, Rae and her brother went home, except for Kai. He gave me a smile and extended his hand.

"I'm assuming you could benefit from having someone winnowing you home?" he asked smoothly.

"That would be nice," I said, taking his hand. Within seconds Kai had winnowed us to right outside my apartment and I stood there surprised.

"You know where I live?" I asked. Kai shrugged.

"It was a guess," he said. "I've seen you outside this building before when I was walking down the street."

I gave him a suspicious look and he smirked down at me. I blinked and looked away. I didn't know how I felt about what he said.

"Thank you for lunch, and bring me home," I said walking towards the building. Kai grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. Surprised I stumbled and bit and glared up at him.

"What was that for?" I asked. Kai looked down into my eyes, his ice-blue eyes piercing into mine.

"I can't help but notice the way you look at my sister and ignore Orion's advances," he said. I blinked then pushed away from him as I flushed red. I put a hand over my face and didn't look Kai in the eye.

"Look," Kai said. "I don't mind it. I just want Rae to be happy. She's the youngest, and the only girl in our family. I don't want you to go breaking her heart."

"I woul-"

"I know you wouldn't do it on purpose," Kai interrupted. "But if you want to court my sister make sure she is willing, and tell Orion before he falls for you."

Then Kai turned away, and dark bat wings sprung free from his back. He leaped into the sky, leaving me alone and confused.

I watched him fly away, disappearing into the darkening sky. Kai was an interesting fae. He was funny, but also authoritative and protective. He kinda reminded me of Allan, just more stern and protective. He also seemed to be involved in his siblings' lives a little more than Allan was.

When I no longer could see Kai I went up into my apartment. I prepared myself some tea before I grabbed a book and curled up in my armchair next to the window. In the dying light of the sun, I relaxed and tried to read a book.

But no matter how hard I stared at the words on the page all I could see was the golden light on the page. It looked just like the color of Rae's eyes. It also was the color of her hair when the sun hit it.

The book fell to the floor as I quickly covered my eyes with my hands. I opened my fingers and leaned my hands back to look at the ceiling.

"I can't get her off my mind," I whispered. "Is this what it's like to have a crush?"

Then I covered my eyes and tried to ignore the blush I knew was spreading across my face.

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