4. A Deal With A Devil

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Every day is a new battle. I fight against the Valg, my loneliness, and the doubt that eats at my thoughts.

But today I'm visiting the Court of Nightmares. Where Aunt Mor's father reins. The Inner Circle has done it's best to leave Keir alone but he always proves troublesome in times like these. Or even at other random times. But I need reinforcements, not only for the Night Court but for the other courts that are requesting aid.

I winnowed into the Court of Nightmares and was swiftly escorted to the throne room, where Keir and his followers waited for me. Keir sat atop my father's throne and I couldn't help but scowl. Keir grinned, his wicked eyes looking me up and down.

"Raegan-Sun," he said, drawing my name out. My name in his mouth sounded vile. He butchered the name my parents gave to me and I felt this sudden want to spring at him and rip out his vocal cords. But I kept my composure and stood still.

"Hello, Keir," I said with equal vileness.

Keir's eyes flashed and his grin flattened to a scowl.

"What do you want, girl?" he asked.

"Soldiers," I said sliding my hands into my pockets. "You've seen the current crisis."

"Why should I let you have access to my soldiers?" Keir said, studying his nails. He barely gave me a second glance. I ground my teeth. As much as I wanted to pull the 'my parents asked me to so if you don't follow my demands they'll fuck you up' card I wanted to show how I could take care of these things on my own. I'm supposed to be independent and take care of the Night Court on my own. I won't let Keir get in my way.

"Look Keir, I don't give one flying fuck about getting your permission," I said, making my way towards him. "I could waltz into any Illyrian camp of yours and take soldiers. Most of them are too dumb anyway and with a little persuasion I could get them to do anything for me."

I walked right up to him and towered over the throne he sat upon.

"Plus I can take all the females out of your camps," I said. "Even if half of them aren't soldiers I can tell you know that they will be by the time they get back." I leaned down into his face, my eyes piercing into his. "And they sure as hell won't bow before you like the pathetic males in this room."

I'm pretty sure I saw a bead of sweat run down Keir's face. I smirked and stepped back.

"I won't let you take my soldiers," Keir ground out. He stood up and walked up to me. I may have stood over him while he sat down but there was no doubt that he was taller than me at his full height.

"Let's make a deal," I smirked. "You let me take all the soldiers that I need as long at this threat last, and in turn, you get a favor you can cash in at any time."

Keir's eyes studied me. He crossed his arms, his only sign that he was thinking about my offer. He was expressionless otherwise.

"Any favor, any time?" he asked. I nodded in confirmation. He smirked.

"Then we have ourselves a deal," he said, extending his hand. I grasped it and golden tendrils of light swirled around our arms. They left behind a tattoo of a sun on each of our arms. When I let go Keir scowled and looked at the tattoo left behind on his arm.

"I want a hundred thousand soldiers," I demanded. Keir smirked.

"I would like to cash in my favor." He grinned and I crossed my arms.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I want all of my soldiers back. You can't have any of them."

As soon as he said the words the tattoo on my arm began to fade. Keir glanced at my arm and smirked. I smirked in return, confusing him.

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