7. The Winter Court

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To my wonderful parents and my siblings,

I have made a mistake. No, I am not leaving Prythian. I miss you all, but I am staying.

The Winter Court is colder and much more harsh than Terrasen winters. Yes, that cold. Every day the temperature is below freezing, and there is always a fresh blanket of snow and ice. It's like the fae here has an internal heater, keeping them warm. I, on the other hand, don't, even with Mom's fiery genes. I spend every day freezing to death.

The heater in my apartment has broken too, and the fae that my landlord has scheduled to fix it won't come until tomorrow. Fortunately, there is this sweet old fae who has the apartment next to mine. She has invited me to stay the night in her warm apartment. I took her up on her offer. She is very sweet and has invited me over for coffee and cookies before. Some days I offer to grocery shop for her when she is busy.

I'm leaving for the Dawn Court next week. I can not stay here for much longer. I am too cold. Although it's beautiful here I can not survive in this cold. Hopefully, the Dawn Court will be less freezing. My clothes are not sufficient for this weather, and I like to stay warm.

I am still freezing to death but send my love. Ash

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Dear Mom and Dad,

I wanted to let you know that I am safe and well. Tomorrow I will be heading to the Dawn Court, so by the time you get this letter, I may have been settled in already.

I know you both worry about my safety, but I am just fine. I know it comes with being parents, and the few things you've told me about your past I can see why you worry so much. But I am so happy right now. I feel very free, and alive. I love exploring these new lands. I've met my fair share of shady fae, but the number of nice fae by far outnumber the bad ones.

I've been to all the Solstice Courts now. I'm been in Prythian for a little over three months. I know it may seem like a lot, but it seems like I've barely spent any time here. I also am still looking for somewhere I can settle down semi-permanently. That way I will have a certain address so that I can easily receive letters.

I'm having a grand time. I'm well, and happy. I send my love to you and the rest of the family.

Your Firefly, Ash

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