6. The Summer Court

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Greetings everyone,

I'm having an amazing time in the Summer Court. There are lots of friendly faes here, and the community is so welcoming. I'm currently living in a seaside apartment in the capital city. I have a great view of the beach and ocean. Every morning when I wake up I can hear the call of seabird as the waves crash against the sandy beaches. And I luckily only live minutes away from the beach.

This court is very lively. With a young High Lord barely in his prime, he has changed the Summer Court to be very welcoming for every fae. He listens to his people and does his best to care for everyone in his court. His devotion to his court and people in very inspiring. I think that would be something Allan would appreciate since he will be king of Terrasen one day.

The weather is very delightful in Summer, but the storms, though horrific, are beautiful too. I witnessed one. The ocean came alive, and it was a deadly force. The protection spells on the city meant that the storm did little damage, but there were some uprooted trees and mild floods. I was unaffected by the damaged, but I helped my neighbors replant their trees and fix the water damage. It was something little I could do for the community to welcomed me so nicely.

Another thing about Summer is that there are so many trinkets that are from the ocean. Shells, pearls, coral, and other things are apart of lots of merchandise. There is also the fact that they eat a lot of seafood. I definitely need a break from that.

I've included a package with little trinkets and goods that I thought you all would enjoy. Just little things, but it's the little things that count. Think of me when so see them. I miss you all, so I hope those things bring you joy.

Hugs, Ash

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My dearest Gabriella,

I miss you. I wish I had the chance to see you before I left for Prythian. I know you are busy, being a female fae and women's rights activist around the continent. I think it's great what you are doing, but I miss all the time we were together. I miss the girl talks, when we did one another hair, and when we tried on clothes from each other closets. Do you miss those times too?

Some days I wish we could go back to the times when we were young, before you were an activist, and before I became depressed with the image of myself. I miss the times where we would chase one another through the garden, chasing butterflies and pulling pranks on Uncle Aedion.

I miss you. I hope you find a way to send me a letter. I miss talking to you and ignoring the world and everything wrong with it while we were together. Please write back.

You favorite cousin, Ash

PS. I sent you a pearl necklace with this letter. I think it will complement your eyes. Think of me when you were it. Sorry for being so depressing...

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