sticks and stones

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sticks and stones may break my bones
but words will never hurt me

these fairytales weren't meant for you
but oh they fit so nicely

words can save your life
they can tear your insides apart
they can build cities and destroy ancient civilizations
words can bring people to their knees

and i have fallen for your words
from heaven straight to hell

i was supposed to be okay
but things didn't go so well

i don't know what hurts more
you speaking
or saying nothing at all

they always say your actions have consequences
but they didn't tell you that your words do too

you push and shove
and tear me to shreds

don't you know
these things only work out in our heads

as much as you have killed me
beaten me and broken me
i can't blame you

instead i blame myself

what hurts me most is my own expectations
i set goals for myself and i set standards that are above my limits and it kills me inside
it tears me apart knowing I'm not the person i want to be

i am constantly pretending i am okay
i hurt myself mentally and emotionally

i hate that i still have hope
i am so used to being hurt that the sadness eats me up and my soul withers away and my brain decays
i give up on myself
i am trapped breaking my own heart

i don't know what I'm doing wrong
that makes people not want to be friends with me

maybe I'm just not enough
maybe I'm just too blind to see


i would rather face sticks and stones than face your words

~Luna Galaxy, a fallen star

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