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This is the story of three sisters Ryuko, Zenri, and Ema Hinata as they navigate the ups and downs of finding themselves in a family with thirteen new step brothers. 

Ryuko Hinata is the eldest sister calm, gentle, and warm. A six-year old Ryuko was adopted by Rintaro following the death of his sister and her husband in a car accident. Even though Rintaro is her uncle she has seen him as a father figure and calls him dad because of it. When Ryuko came to live with Rintaro following the accident she was introduced to a then baby Ema, telling her that she is now an older sister. 

Ryuko, named after her biological father Ryu, has fair skin, black hair, and dark gray eyes which she inherited from her mother. Rintaro was close to his sister but following a falling out he didn't know that Ryuko existed until he got the unfortunate news of her and her husband passing. He introduced himself to Ryuko and explained that he was her uncle but will now be her adopted father. This is was also where she was introduced to a baby Ema and was told that Ema and he would be her new family from that point on. Ryuko has a key necklace that she always wears, it was given to her by her late parents as a present before they died. 

Zerin Hinata is the middle sister passionate, energetic, and brave. Two years after Rintaro adopted Ryuko, a six-year old Zerin was found abandoned in a forest where he was camping and found her unconscious and wounded with no memory of before she was found.  Having no one to care for her Rintaro took it upon himself to adopt her and introduced her to an two-year old Ema and eight-year old Ryuko.

Zerin, name meaning forest after she was found in a forest, has light skin, blonde hair and green eyes. Having no memories of her life prior to being found by Rintaro and after weeks of trying to find her real family Rintaro decided to take Zerin as his third adopted daughter. She has no interest in learning who her parents are and where she came from saying that if they cared enough for her then she would be with them instead of with Rintaro, Ryuko, and Ema. Zerin has a birthmark in the shape of a lightning bolt on her right wrist. 

The three sisters knew they were not related by blood but the bond of being sisters was ever present. How Ryuko and Zerin came to be with Rintaro was never discussed and how Ema was there first was never questioned. They knew what they were to each other after moments of being together, and that was a family. 

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