Chapter 4

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Ema woke up and began her day as she would any other. 

"Good morning, Juli" Ema said to a still sleeping Juli.

"Get your paws off Chii, you dirty wolves" he said in his sleep. Ema giggled at him. 

"Rest easy Juli, I'll be back before you know it" Ema said as she walked out of her room and down in to the dining room. She saw Ukyo making breakfast as he usually does, this time he was making rice omelettes.

"Good morning, Ukyo" she said to him. 

"Good morning, Ema. Are you ready to do the shopping for today?" Ukyo asked. 

"Yes, I'm all ready to help out in any way I can" Ema answered with a smile. 

"That's good, now eat up so you and Yusuke can go to school" Ukyo said motioning for her sit down. Ukyo put a plate of the breakfast in front of her and she began to eat. After she finished she washed the plate and put it in the cupboard. 

"Look who's down, you missed breakfast. You and Ema should leave soon if you plan on catching the train to school" Ukyo said to Yusuke. 

"Right" Yusuke replied. 

"Oh, before I forget Ryuko will be here later this evening and staying the night too" Ema said to Ukyo. 

"Yes, I know. Masaomi mentioned that to me last night. I'll be sure to leave a futon in your room by the time you get back" Ukyo said. 

"Thanks, I'll let you know when she arrives" Ema said. 

"Ready to go, Yusuke" Ema asked, and he nodded. They were then on their way to school and throughout the day Ema couldn't help but be both excited over seeing her oldest sister and nervous about making Subaru's cake. 

Ema walked around the Akamichi shopping street with grocery bags in hand.

"Are you alright down there, Chii" Juli asked looking down at Ema from the top of her head.

"I'm okay, just a little antsy. I've been put in charge of making Subaru's birthday cake, so I'm kind of nervous I might mess it up" she said staggering from side to side from the weight of the bags. 

"And jeez, these bags are way heavy!" she said as she knelt to the ground, her head in her hands. Unbeknownst to her Subaru was walking behind her when he noticed her.  

"I bet Subaru would be able to carry all this stuff with no problem" Ema said to Juli.

"Yeah. Gotta give him that, he does look strong" Juli admitted. 

"He does roadwork everyday on top of training with the basketball team. It's really amazing" Ema said staring off into the distance. Unaware of the very person she was taking about was behind her. 

"I didn't realize she'd noticed" Subaru said stiffening. Ema, at the sound of the voice turned around only to see nothing. 

"Is something the matter, Chii" Juli asked.

"I thought I heard someone over there a second ago" Ema said. Subaru had taken refuge behind a wall, flustered at the ordeal he found himself in. 'What am I even hiding for?' he thought to himself, confused at his own actions. 

"We should get going Chii, that cake isn't going to make itself" 

"Yeah, you're right" Ema said getting up, bags in hand. 

"I really do wish that Zerin would have been able to come today, and maybe even help me carry these" she said. 

"Ryuko is still coming today isn't she?" Juli asked. Ema nodded. 

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