Chapter 3

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Zerin woke up, noticing that it was past 6 am, and stretched. A part of her morning routine is to maintain a peak physical condition as an athlete. She began stretching from her neck, to her arms and shoulders all the way down to her legs. Taking equal amounts of consideration over her muscles. Ema soon wake up, about an hour after Ziren, and saw her sister getting ready for the day dressed in the clothes she wore the day before. 

"Good morning, Ema" Zerin said. 

"Good morning. Ready to go" Ema asked her. 

"I could stand a few more minutes the next train doesn't leave for another hour and a half or so" Zerin said. 

"Well if that's the case let's get some breakfast before you leave" Ema said getting up from her bed. 

"That sounds like a wonderful idea" Zerin agreed. 

"How'd you sleep" asked Ema. 

"I slept well enough, you" Zerin asked.

"The same" Ema replied as she began to change out of her pajamas and into her day clothes. 

"Right! One more day of fighting off the horn dog boys in this house, so keep your wits about you. Don't let your guard down girls" Juli said atop of Ema's head. 

"I keep telling you that they're not horn dogs, and there's no fight. Those boys are our stepbrothers now" Ema said. 

"Ah yes, our Juli as knightly as ever. Ready to go Ema" said Zerin

"Yes I'm ready" Ema said. 

"Alright let's get going" Zerin said. 

Zerin and Ema walked side by side to go to the kitchen when they noticed Ukyo setting the table, wearing a green apron.

"Oh, hey. Good morning" Ema said.

"Yeah, good morning" Ziren said. Ukyo turned to them with a tray in his hands. 

"Good morning to you both. I didn't realize that you slept over, Zerin. I would have set up a spare room for you" Ukyo said.

"Don't worry about it. Azusa offered the same thing last night, but I declined so instead he gave me a futon so I could sleep with Ema in her room" Zerin explained. 

"In that case, were the two of you able to sleep okay last night" 

"Yes, we did thank you for asking" Ziren said and Ema nodded. 

"Wow. Did you make all of this yourself, Ukyo" Ema asked looking at the food set on the table. 

"I did, but I tend to be the one in charge of all the cooking" he said walking away. Juli jumped down and onto the table effortlessly and sniffed a bowl of soup. 

"Yum. A classic Japanese breakfast I see" Juli said

"Can we help you out with anything" Ziren asked. 

"Sure. Do one of you mind dishing up the rice for me? We have a lot of late risers this morning. So I think, maybe we only need to get five places ready. The other can help me with the places" Ukyo said inspecting a chart. 

"Okay" Ema said. 

"Sure" Ziren said. The two of them soon saw Wataru coming down the stairs rubbing his eyes. 

"Good morning sis's. How you doing" he asked. Ema knelt down to where she was at eye contact with the youngest brother.

"I'm good" said Zerin.

"Very well. Thanks for asking" Ema said. 

"You're welcome. I'm so happy. This is the best, you get to have breakfast with us from now on, right" he said to Ema. Zerin giggled.

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