Chapter 46

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S.Coups woke up with a great pain in his head. He clutched onto his head. "Ergghh!" he groaned in pain. "H-Haneul..." just then Seunggyo walked into the room with a tray of food. "Hyung!" he freaked out when he saw S.Coups condition. "Hyung, gwenchana?" Seunggyo asked.

"My mate... I got to find her." S.Coups said. "I know. We'll leave after you eat breakfast okay?" Seunggyo said to him as he placed the tray on the side. "No, I can't. She needs me." S.Coups tried to get bed. "Hyung!" Seunggyo pushed him back on the bed. "Listen to me. We'll leave after this okay, just please eat your breakfast. You won't have energy to fight!" Seunggyo was clearly worried for his brother.

"Fine!" S.Coups grabbed the bread and eat it. "Can you help me gather the boys?" S.Coups looked at him. "I'll send people to do that." Seunggyo nodded. "Thank you."

"So can you sense her?" Woozi asked. S.Coups shook his head. "No, they won't be in the town." "We should walk further out from the town." Jeonghan suggested and they agreed.

They were almost the end of the town when S.Coups suddenly stopped abruptly. "I feel her!" he said. "Where is she hyung?" Mingyu asked worriedly.

They looked around. There are too many building around them. "Seungkwan!" Joshua looked at the younger male. "I'm on it!" Seungkwan used his power. He looked around. "Hyung. I saw her! That building!" Seungkwan pointed at a building. "Great!" S.Coups turned to Minghao. "Minghao send message to the king that we might need some back up as soon as possible."

Minghao nodded before he disappeared into his shadow before he glided through the town towards the palace.

The rest twelve of them headed towards the building, fast.

They reached an abandoned building. S.Coups broke the entrance door. "Haneul!"

At once, they were attacked by a number of vampire. "Damn it!!" Dino cursed. "Just kill them!" Hoshi spat before he waved his hands, creating a mirror in front of him, reflecting the attack back to the attacker. "There are too much of them!" Woozi attacked the vampire with his ice stake. "Keep on attacking!" S.Coups attacked with fire bullet and burnt some of the vampire.

"Dino! We need help!" Seungkwan and Joshua shouted. For both of them to possess a non-combat power can be a little bit unhelpful. "Hold on!" Dino pushed the vampire aside. Seungkwan and Joshua couldn't take too many vampire at one time. "Do not touch my brothers!!" Dino, with his strength ability, threw the vampires that were piling on top of Seungkwan and Joshua away from them. "Good job, kid." Joshua ruffled Dino's hair. "Hyung, do not touch my hair!!" Dino released his anger by throwing another vampire out from the window.

"They're too much to handle!" DK said. "I'll stay! S.Coups hyung, Mingyu you need to go!" Hoshi said. "Cover them!" Woozi said. "I'll go with them!" Jeonghan volunteered. "Go! Vernon and I will stay with Hoshi hyung and Woozi hyung!" Seungkwan said. "Let me help with that!" Jun clapped his hand once.

The time stop and only the thirteen of them are unaffected. "I told you not to use your power, Jun!" S.Coups yelled at him. "I can't hold for too long. Now move!" ignoring S.Coups's scolding, Jun walked ahead of them and headed towards the stairs. Mingyu looked at Hoshi, Woozi, Seungkwan and Vernon, "Please be safe." "We will now go!" Woozi urged them. The rest of them hurriedly followed Jun.

"We need to hurry. Jun can't handle this for too long." Hoshi said as he created a mirror barrier around the floor. "You guys are coming with me into the mirror." Hoshi said. Seungkwan, Woozi and Vernon nodded. The surrounding started to waver and small movement was detected from a certain vampire. "Jun hyung's power is losing its effect." Vernon warned them. "Hurry, come with me." Hoshi pulled the rest three of them into a mirror with him.

In a blink of eyes, the time continued as usual. Jun's legs wobble and he fell of his knees. "Yah! Gwenchana?" Jeonghan asked. Jun panted heavily. "Y-Yeah, I'm good." "That's it, Jun! Don't use your power. No more controlling the time!" S.Coups looked at him worriedly. Jun just nodded in defeat. "Joshua, stay with him." S.Coups said to his friend and he nodded.

"We got company!" Mingyu shouted when he saw a number of vampires headed towards them. S.Coups exchanged glances, "Should we give a little surprise?" Mingyu smirked before he nodded, "I would love to." Mingyu snapped his fingers and thunder can be heard from the outside. "So what's the plan?" DK asked. "Just throw them outside if you think you can't handle them. I'll take care of that." Mingyu said. "Dino, stay with Jun and Joshua." Wonwoo told the youngest male and he nodded, "Of course, hyung!"

"DK! Attack first!" Jeonghan looked at DK. DK went in front of them. He breathed in deeply before he exhaled, screaming out loud. His power of voice caused some of the vampires to have internal bleeding in their ears and died on the spot. "Second attack." S.Coups said. "But Minghao is not here." Wonwoo said. "Then it's your turn!" Mingyu looked at him. Wonwoo's eyes glowed in red as he looked at the group of vampires in from of him. They all stopped moving abruptly. A moment after that, the vampire started to kill after each other.

Joshua cheered. "Great job!" "Not too fast! There are more!" Jun said. They all looked ahead. "Shit! Where do they come from?!" Dino cursed.

"I don't know!" S.Coups answered before he burnt a vampire until he become a dust. Mingyu was fighting next to him, electrocuted a vampire. "I need to know Haneul's current location!" S.Coups said.

"Leave it to me!" Jeonghan called a bird into the building. He said something to the bird before the bird flew out from the window. "Ahhhh!!!" Jeonghan let out a painful groaned when a vampire made a cut on his back. "Damn you!" Jeonghan turned around and faced him. "You're going to die!" the vampire spit. Jeonghan smirked, "No, you are!" Jeonghan's eyes glowed in bright yellowish-brown. "You will kill yourself. You will kill yourself." Jeonghan said to the vampire.

As if hypnotized, the vampire repeated Jeonghan's word and soon after that the vampire cut himself on his throat. Jeonghan spit on him, "I may look weak but I have one dangerous power, you see."

The bird came back through the window and chirped. Jeonghan's eyes widened in surprise. "Coups-ah! They found Haneul. She's one floor above us and she's unconscious! That woman had a knife in her hand and some vampires are with them!" Jeonghan told S.Coups.

"You are not going anywhere!" The vampire tried to attack Jeonghan but Dino came in front of him and punch the vampire on his face, throwing him outside the window. Jeonghan smiled, "Auw, Dino, nugi aegi?" "Hyung! Not now!" Dino rolled his eyes. Jeonghan just grinned at him.

"Hyung! You should go with Mingyu!" DK said. "We can't leave you guys. There are too many of them!" S.Coups said. "You need to go! Haneul's need you!" Dino said. "No, we are not leaving you guys!" S.Coups before he killed a vampire by drowning him in his water ball.

Time suddenly stopped again and only they can move.

S.Coups turned around in anger. "YAH, MOON JUNHUI!!!" S.Coups strode towards him and grabbed onto his collar. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO USE YOUR POWER!! YOU LOST TOO MUCH OF ENERGY!!" S.Coups was beyond angry. "Hyung! Calm down!" Dino tried to calm down the leader. "And he's here, almost draining his power!" S.Coups said. " you should hurry hyung." Jun said. "Didn't you hear what I said? I can't leave you here!" S.Coups glared at him.

"Hyung, Haneul need you, hyung. She needs you." Jun said. S.Coups gritted his teeth. "She's your mate, hyung. You can't lose her." Jun added. S.Coups then let go off his collar. "Jeonghan, you're coming with us. Dino, Wonwoo and DK make sure to protect them. Joshua, do all you can to restore his energy." S.Coups ordered.

"We will." DK and Dino nodded.

"Moon Junhui, I'll deal with you when we get home but for now, thank you and please be safe." S.Coups looked at him. Jun gave a small nodded. "Let's go." S.Coups walked ahead, followed by Mingyu and Jeonghan.

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