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Do you like books? what genre? I personally like fiction but do you know why romance is the most read genre in the entire world? Because in today's world love is usually found between pages than between hearts.

"Perhaps they were right putting love into books. Perhaps it could not perish anywhere else." William Faulkner said it the best.

I close the book in my hand and place it where it was. I need to get out of this romance section before I end up buying a load of books. The moment I turn around a large hand is placed on my shoulder and I know better than to ask who does it belongs to.

"Hey, Al." Lexi beams.

"Seriously leave me alone lex, "I say looking down clearly enjoying the advantage my tall figure has over her short height. Lex's the lucky one here she has genes from our mother.

"C'mon Alyssa, you'll be going to med school next month and me being the best sister in the entire world won't let you spend your last month like this." She says, eyes raking up and down checking me out.

"Being a sister to me must be hard," I snort.

"Don't even start, not to mention the fact you're the elder sister here and you're supposed to spoil me not the other way around." Lex replies and drapes her hands around my shoulders which she barely reaches " let me treat your sorry ass for dinner".

"Uh-Huh no, if by treating my Sorry ass for dinner you mean a party I'm sorry Lex but no, I'm not going."

"Of course no, it's just you, me and Dips for tonight." She winks.

"Thank god." I sigh as we start walking. Dips has been one of "our places" to eat since I can remember. It literally has the best food I've ever tasted.

Most of the walk is mostly Lexi talking about how high school is treating her and her upcoming art competition. Both of us have a weird relationship. I'm 17 and will turn 18 in a few weeks, she just turned 15 in April. She has a few friends but she's mostly with me. I think being my sister feels like a responsibility to her.

The moment we step out of the library I bump into something or someone causing the backside of my head to hit on the door.

"Shit, Sorry, I was in a hurry." A cold deep male voice exclaims, probably one I've heard before. I look up to see that the holder of the voice is none other than Ryan Bennett and right now I'm looking into his deep black eyes. We lock our eyes for a moment and it's the strangest eye contact I've ever had. "Oh my Alyssa, Are you alright? I'm sorry" his hands immediately go up to the back of my head to inspect any trace of blood.

"Yeah it's, it's okay," I say and gently remove his hand from my head.

"Long time no see," Ryan says looking down, his height, it's, it's intimidating.

"Yep," I say, my reply really short.

"How long has it been?3-4years?" He asks, his lean body towering over me.

"Umm—yeah." I look at Lexi trying to eye talk.

"Oh, And may I know who is she?" He asks looking over at Lexi.

"Hiiii," she offers her hand "I'm Lexi Green, Alyssa's sister."

"Hello, I'm Ryan Bennett, Alyssa's former dance partner in 5th grade." He laughs taking her hand.

"You never told me you went to a dance in your whole life." Lexi huffs

"Oh, I'm pretty sure Lexi, Alyssa's keeping a lot of secrets from you." Ryan says with a laugh " Well what are you two doing out of a library at 8:00 pm on a Friday night?"

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