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Rubbing my shoes on the mat I enter the house. Lexi's on the couch in the living room. I plop onto the couch to her left. Diverting her gaze from Brad Pitt on the television she looks at me "What happened?"

"Nothing." I shrug

"Okay, what did you guys do?" She asks with her mouth full.

"We, Well we had fun." I snatch the packet of nachos from her and get up to go to my bedroom.

"Alyssa Green having fun." She raises her eyebrows. I flip her off.

Taking off my shoes I go towards my bed. It feels magnificent as I lay down.

There's knock on the door that wakes me up. I must have fallen asleep on my bed. Groggily I Stand up and open the door. It's mom.

"Lyss it's time for dinner." She says as I rub my eyes."Okay," I reply yawning. Nodding she turns around and leaves. Everybody calls me with some random nickname they came up with when I was small. Lexi calls me Al, Mom&Dad call me Lyss. Yeah, that's it, Except Ryan, Yeah, Ryan he called me Green today which I find really weird because nobody in my entire existence has called me green, like ever, not that many people know of me.

I look in the mirror, my hair's out of place. I wipe droll off my left cheek and wash my face.
The cold water feels relaxing on my dry face.

The floorboard creaks as I enter the kitchen. Dad's talking to Lexi about something, probably about her art competition. Dad nods at me from the dining hall, I nod back. Mom nods at me as I open the fridge. I nod back. Verbal conversations between us are kept to a bare minimum, something I quite like.
"Put this on the table." She hands me the dish, I nod. See, I told ya.

Lexi looks up at me and smiles when she sees me. The only time dad looks at me is when the chair makes a screeching sound as I pull it.
I sit idly as they both talk. Mom joins after a while and we begin to eat.

It's a weird scene, having all four of us sitting on the table and eating dinner together. We barely do it. I prefer eating in my room when they're present, but they're usually out so both Lexi and I eat our dinner while watching TV together. Sometimes we even cook our own meals when Doris can't come.

Mom asks me how my day went, I reply fine. Dad asks me the same, I reply fine. They ask Lexi and she quickly dives into the conversation of how and what happened. I quickly finish my food and go to the kitchen without anyone noticing me. Wiping my mouth with my sleeve I nod at everyone and go back to my room.

Closing the door I sigh. This has been our routine since I can remember. They ask me how my day went, I reply fine, they talk to Lexi, I leave. Not that I am complaining.

Locking the door I change into my sweats and plug in my earphones to drown in some music. Half an hour later a message breaks my flow. Its a "You up?" Message by Ryan. Boys and their "you up" texts.

"No" I reply

Ryan Ah sarcastic Alyssa.

Me-Piss off.

Ryan- This is the sarcastic Alyssa I'm talking about. I would love to meet the other Alyssa's too.

Me-Haha sure.

Ryan- Are you a dry texter?

Me-Depends on the topic.

I shrug and face palm myself when i realise he can't see me.

Ryan-Ok then, change the topic.

Ryan-Oh, c'mon

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