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Rich. That's all I can make up from Chase's clothes. I knew he was rich but I wasn't expecting him to possess that aura. His tall body is covered in some brand's sweats paired with Nike's shoes. I hate Nike. He looks like a rich snob but I know better than to judge him for his looks.

His green eyes dart between Ryan and me.

"You must be Alyssa." He says looking at me,hand-drawn out in my direction.
My throat is dry, he's intimidating; Tall, Rich and all.

"Yes," I timidly say, awkwardly walk towards him taking in his hand.

His fingers brush against my skin. I can't help but notice that his aren't as rough as Ryan's. It's been days but I remember his touch.

What-? I shake my head as the realisation strikes me, drawing away from my hand I move aside.

"Ryan!" He says, eyes wide with excitement walking towards him, probably to hug him. Chase's figure towers over Ryan's. I shift my feet feeling extremely small even with my 5'10" form. I walk towards the couch while they chat, I don't want to intervene some "bro" thing. Going through my phone I try to look busy.

"So-Alyssa." I look up at Chase as he starts off.


"I've heard a lot about you." He surprises me by saying. I wasn't expecting that.

"You have?" I narrow my eyes at Ryan but he just narrows them back at me. Bitch.

He nods his head. "Well, there's nothing much to know," I say grumpily

"I beg to differ," he starts "from what I've heard you're quite..." he pauses to find words.

Weird. Complicated. Difficult. I finish for him mentally.

"Different." I snort at his comment. Sure, I get up and stroll towards Ryan. His face is a little pale but quickly recovers.

"C'mon let's get to it." He says rolling his eyes. My gaze shifts to the mats, I don't feel awkward or weird, I feel okay being with two boys, I feel fine.

"You two go ahead I'll spin," Chase says clapping his hands.

"Okay." "Yeah," We both say and move away from each other side's.

I stand aside as Chase starts spinning telling us where to stand. He gives me a reassuring smile to which I roll my eyes. He looks at Chase as if to say start and he does. I get the red circles while Ryan gets the green one on the other side of the room.

"I'm standing in you, Green." He says with a chuckle looking at me.

"For a college boy you sure as hell have bad humour," I growl

"Finally!" Chase exclaims clapping his hand "Somebody said it!" I smirk at Ryan as he flips both of us "Just get to it."

Ten minutes in and I'm in some weird twisted position with my chest burning as I try my best to balance myself. I see Ryan looking at me from the corner of my eye.

"Fuck, you're flexible." He says between breaths.

"No shit Sherlock," I say rolling my eyes. Lexi always tells me to stop rolling my eyes because I roll them a little too much which can also cause them to get stuck in the back of my head. Like the fuck woman?

I try to peek at Ryan from the little space between my arms. He looks quite funny, Hell I bet I do too. His blue t-shirt with a sponge bob face on it has ridden all the way up to his ribs exposing his stomach. I can't make out much, he's far but I can see a little of his bones, he's skinny. A small part of his hip bone is also showing, I kind of find it- I don't know how to put it in words.

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