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There's a stitch mark on my arm. It happened seven years ago when Lexi was eight and we were teaching her how to skate. I fell off and hurt my arm pretty badly. It was late at night and we went to the doctor, got my stitches done and I have rewarded an ice cream on the way home for behaving properly and not crying. Funny how we were treated on getting hurt in our childhood. I don't think parents now will like the idea of treating their teen children with ice creams or god knows what when they get their heart broken by somebody who didn't even care about them.

The doctors assured me that the mark would fade over time but it didn't. Everybody forgot about it even me until a few minutes ago I fell on the road just after leaving my house and blood came oozing out of it.

The droplets of bloodstain the white-painted sink. Ryan's bathroom is small compared to mine. The ends of the shower curtain are inside the bathtub, they must be wet. There's no mirror, he says he doesn't need one, he has one in his room. I haven't been in his room, the bathroom has two doors, I used the one attached to the corridor.

His house isn't something I was expecting. I expected it to be a big house with a lot of decorations and a nameplate saying "Bennetts".Its the exact opposite. A small brown coloured house who's steps and floorboard creak as you move with a bell hanging beside the doorbell it is but it seems cosy. There isn't any nameplate outside the house. I didn't see anything inside clearly as the blood was oozing out uncontrollably and I couldn't afford to stain something of theirs, Irony is, I'm thinking it as I stain their sink with my blood.

The cut isn't deep but a tremendous amount of blood has been lost. I don't feel dizzy though. Neither does it hurt. Cuts, stitches, Injuries, They don't scare me, I don't get goosebumps by seeing blood either. I kneel down to take out the first aid kit from the cupboard. Wrapping the bandage around my cut I look at the mess the sink has become. The blood isn't removing on its own by pouring water so I rub the stained places with my fingers. A scraping noise is made as I keep on rubbing my fingers across the sink.

Ryan opens the bathroom door. I don't turn around. I can feel his feet moving, he's coming closer. I'm still rubbing the sink. I feel his hot breath on my ear. He's just beside me. I keep on rubbing the sink, it's making a pretty annoying noise. Ryan keeps his hands over mine to stop me. His palms are rough, maybe he doesn't use a moisturiser. Seriously, Alyssa, that's the only thing you can think of right now, I want to slap myself. There are a few random cuts on his hand. I look up at him, He raises his eyebrows but doesn't say anything. Removing his hand he hangs the towel he may have brought with him on the towel ring. His red hair is all over his forehead, I have an urge to remind him to cut it but I stop myself. Nodding at me he leaves closing the door behind him.

Turning the faucet on I wash my hands and dry them off. Damn Ryan for not having a mirror. I'm freaking out because I have no clue what do I look like right now. I gargle and nonchalantly taking deep breaths to push open the door. He's seated on a chair and has a glass of water in front of him, he's fiddling with the glass, looks like he's deep in thoughts. I clear my throat to catch his attention. Upon hearing my sound his fingers lose balance on the glass, the glass falls horizontally and water starts to fall onto the floor from the corner of the table. Immediately he's on his feet eyes locked with mine. I'm still standing in front of the door. The only sound that can be heard is of the water trickling.

"I-Uh-I-I'll bring the mop." He says and doesn't wait for my reply.

"Okay," I say looking at the position where he was standing a few seconds ago. I pick up the glass and put it in the middle of the table. The table only has 3 chairs, one of them is dusty and looks like hasn't been used in a while. I look sideways at the living room, it doesn't have many decorations just as I assumed. A vase sits on the side table and a few picture frames here and there, Other than these nothing can be found. I spy a few plants but most of them look dead.

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