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The bench creaks and I open my one eye to see an old bald man sitting beside me. I immediately shake my head and start to shift when I skip and fall on the ground.

"Ouch" I rub my arm and stand up.
The man looks at me and burps.

What the?

I make a disgusted face at him and sit on the grass cross-legged.

"Lyss" somebody shouts. Ryan's standing with his arm on the bicycle and the other's on his red hair.

"We have scissors, you can cut your hair," I shout as I walk towards him.

His hair touches his eyebrows, he pushes them aside by his left hand.

"No, I like them."

"Suit yourself." I shrug

"Soo—Lexi told me something." He stops himself.

"Uh-huh," I tilt my head and cross my arms on my chest. If she told him what I'm thinking I'll kill her.

"I have an extra bicycle at home, we can pick it-"

"NO," I shout. He creases his eyebrows.

"No, no, no." I keep on ranting as I shake my head "I mean it's cool I can walk." I speak fast.

His palms are sweaty as he rubs them on his faded jeans "No problem we can—"

"Oh no, I don't want to." I interrupt him

"It totally co—"  "I don't want to go to your house." We begin at the same time

"What? Oh okay cool." He replies

"Yeah cool," I say


"I can bring—"

"Ryan it's fine."



"So you want to sit behind me or—" he points towards the backseat of the bicycle.

"I can walk it's fine," I reply. He hands me his camera and starts cycling.

I take a moment to process all this. It happened so fast and the conversation was so awkward.

"Green you coming or what?" Ryan is a few metres away from where I'm standing. He looks so tiny but I'm glad he isn't.Feels good to have someone taller than me even if it's an inch.

"Coming," I shout and run to catch up to him.

Huffing I ask "where are we going?"

"An orphanage," he replies

"What?Why?" I question.

He looks me dead in the face and says "Because you told me yesterday you liked them."
Oh, he remembers.

"What if I tell you I don't anymore? That girl in subway wasn't very loving."

Panic takes over his face as soon as those words leave my mouth.

"Chill. I'm joking." I say and we start to walk again.

We keep on moving in silence when a thought strikes me and now it's my time to panic.

"Wait," I say and stop. Ryan stops too.

"Look Alyssa, just sit behind me and then keep on saying whatever you want. It'll save us both time." Well, it's not like he's wrong. I look at the seat behind him. I've never sat on one. I'm nervous but I don't want him to know. I don't want to be the joke again so I agree to sit.

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