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The moment the words tumble out of my mouth my nose hits a hard surface. Jesus. I didn't take Ryan as the guy who had a hard chest. Probably his bones. Stumbling back I rub my nose.

"So?" He says with a confused face, looking behind me. Shit. Camila. Or was she Cynthia, no wait, Cecelia. Yeah.

I party look back "I guess I'll see you around" And push Ryan to walk far away from here.

"Okay!" She screams and goes back to doing whatever she was. The moment she's out of sight I step back and make a distance from Ryan.

"It's a shame my ice cream died because of you." He says with a fake saddened face.

"What?" I arch my eyebrow

He shakes his head "It probably melted."

"Huh." I scoff and we quietly start trailing in the direction we came from. The only sound that can be heard is of my boots tapping on the pavement. I stay behind as he walks inside. Even the last two minutes felt more exciting, humane than the past three days. Anxiously tapping my foot I contemplate my image on the small mirror attached to a pole. What should I do? Should I forgive him? What shall I say when he talks? I've never been in such a situation before and it's so annoying. The sound grows as the minute pass by, I run fingers through my hair, I have eye bags, my face's all red, I look...tired.

"You okay?" Ryan asks out of nowhere.

With a flustered expression I turn around, his hair isn't all over his face like they were a few moments before. Maybe he set his hair " Yeah." I firmly respond. I don't have any clue what to do. He keeps on staring ahead, probably thinking about something. I don't know, I'm too busy focusing on the ground tapping my foot restlessly. A minute passes by and he starts walking. He doesn't ask me to follow but I guess he's probably waiting for me the way he slow walks. Sound of my boots being dragged on the floor is all we can hear for a few minutes.

"Why are you wearing boots?" Ryan chuckles.

"To make sure I can hit you the next time you do or say something stupid." I sigh, That's the longest sentence I've said in the last few days.

"Ooo- someone's angry." He grins.

I narrow my eyes at him "Fuck off Bennett."

"Mm...I like the sound of it, Green." He says with a great emphasis on "Green".

"You make me sick." I spat. I'm angry at him then why am I even following him?

"Now do I ?" He tilts his head looking back at me.

"Yes, you do." A fake smile plastered on my face.

"Ouch, what did I do now?" He's acting playful. He usually is but right now, I don't think it's helpful to the situation.

I roll my eyes and choose not to respond. I walk past him, I don't know where we are going but I keep on walking straight.

"Look, I know I said some shit but don't deny it's not true." He says. I stop dead in my tracks. That's not an apology. That isn't even half an apology. I turn around, the only words that come out are "You don't know shit." I spat and start walking again. I'm so pissed. Pissed at this boy. Pissed at that email. Pissed at Lexi. Pissed at anything and everything.

"Look-I'm...sorry okay?" He rubs his nape, his voice unsure.

"Shutup." I stomp my feet on the pavement as I walk.

"Just..hear me out." I momentarily stop and turn around. He is wiping his hands on his jeans. I want to keep on walking but something in me wants to hear him.

"I know I said something but-" The rest of whatever he's saying isn't heard. Something or more somebody behind him catches my eye. She has her face turned so I can only see her left side but it's enough to make me anxious. I try to keep a front but it's slowly fading away. Long Brunette hair cascading down her back, freckles, petite, It's definitely her. She turns and the familiar face rolls in front of me. My eyes widen at her sight, I duck and use Ryan as a cover.

"Waaai-What are you doing?" He says. I hush him. She can't see me with him. Shit. Nobody from school can. Hell, nobody can. Ryan looks behind him and then stares at me with a confused face. He'll ask about it, I'll just make up a story. I lower down my head and keep on staring at my boots. The sole may come out but I couldn't care less about them. I'm not a fan of boots, don't even ask me why I'm wearing one in the middle of autumn. My fashion sense is terrible so I usually stick to easy clothes. I keep on chanting that she doesn't see me. Ryan probably thinks I'm a nut.

The moment she's out of sight I muster up the courage to stand up.

"You okay?" He asks for what feels like a billionth time today. No, Ryan, I feel like puking I want to say but I slowly nod.

"So—?" He raises his eyebrows and looks back at the same position she was standing a few seconds ago.

"I can't—" I shake my head "I don't know." Hell, I don't even know what am I saying right now. I'm so dumb.

"What?" He's so confused but I don't blame him any bit. It seems like all my prior anger has been washed away. I take a look at him and think, of anything, the only thing I can think of is to run away. So I do it, I run. Because that's all I've been doing since I was born, running away, from things I didn't like, from my problems but most importantly from the people I liked.

A/N: Kinda short but it's needed to *yk* move the story forward <3.

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