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On our way to the art museum I try to ask Ryan why he chose it but he clearly ignores my question. We stop in front of the museum. Ryan goes to park his bicycle in the parking while I wait for him. The museum is a three-storey glass building with magnificent stairs that I can see from the outside.

"Never been here too?" Ryan chuckles beside me handing out me my ticket.
I roll my eyes and ignore him. We head inside the museum and Ryan takes his camera out. I walk and look around myself, I can feel generations of art surrounding me.

I look around a few masterpieces when I stumble upon a random piece of art that I have no clue of. I keep on staring at it, its a painting on a white canvas. A person's figure is painted in all black, beside him are painted mini versions of him in different colours.

"People can draw anything and it's called art." Somebody behind me laughs.

I turn around and see the voice belongs to an old man in a tuxedo. I don't know what to reply, I have never been in such "situations?"

I simply nod and move aside when I hear a click. Ryan's taking a picture of the painting. He wipes his sweaty hands from his jeans and joins me.

"Who was he?" He asks

"I don't know?" I say annoyed and shake my head.

"Some oldie?" He laughs off

"Yeah," I roll my eyes

We keep on walking around the museum and I keep a safe distance from Ryan to prevent any awkward silence or conversation with him. Here and there I hear clicks of Ryan's camera and that's it. All the way I don't hear anything else. The museums not even crowded considering it's a Saturday evening and people have "better things" to do.

I've never been to an art museum before but I won't say it out loud. Looking at all this around me I'm mesmerised how talented people on the Earth are. Yes, some paintings don't make sense to me but that doesn't mean they're senseless.

"Art is supposed to look beautiful, not make sense." A thought crosses my mind and I mentally pat myself on the back.

We go the second floor, well technically me but Ryan is following me so yeah.

I see the old man talking to someone else.
"This is stupid." I hear him say.
Ryan is behind me and he too hears what the man says. The man keeps on talking shit about the painting when Ryan steps in and says "No, You're stupid." Pointing towards the oldie.

"What did you say?" The guy turns around

"Just because you're a rich man wearing a tuxedo and you don't understand a thing doesn't mean it's stupid. You're a stupid old man for thinking it's stupid. Everybody thinks different the only problem here is you don't think, AT ALL." Ryan says a little loudly his eyes are fuming and he looks a little angry?

The moment the oldie tries to reply a guard steps in and calls the thing off.

The oldie goes back and the guard turns towards us. He's an oldie too, but he looks like the nice one. The warm and happy old guys types.

"Don't listen to men like him, keep on making art, don't care about recognition, keep making art, the earth needs it." He says and leaves.

"Woah," Ryan says and turns to me.

"That was so good," I say


Ryan takes a few more pictures and it's time to leave. I can't believe the day's already over.

We silently walk outside. Ryan picks up his bicycle and we start moving towards our houses. I don't know if he's going to drop me or anything or like see me off till my house. But I don't say anything to him. I just keep on walking towards my house hoping he won't say or ask me anything about tomorrow. I don't want him to get the wrong idea that I will come tomorrow. I can't. Today was pretty good but I can't, it's too much.

A few minutes later we reach my house.

"Sooooo-" I start the conversation, I don't want to say see you tomorrow so instead I say the first thing that comes to my mind "No questions there?" I ask

"Nope, silence is the only answer you need sometimes." He says and starts moving towards his house. Ending both, our conversation and the day, as I stand there looking in-front of me not knowing what those words meant.

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