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*Yawn* Stretching your arms out the next morning you ached, all over as if you had a mega work out session at the gym or ran a marathon. Turning in the arms holding you, red eyes were already staring into your (e/c) ones.

"How long have you been awake?" looking at the man who seemed to be deep in thought as he gazed lovingly into your eyes.

"Not long, but you look adorable when you're asleep. I never get to see it, as you're normally awake before me." He leaned in placing a delicate kiss on your forehead. "You're perfect!" he smiled as he pulled your body back into his as the two of you enjoyed an hour of cuddling and talking about the holiday next month.

Eventually, you were both reunited with your children, going back to life as you knew it for the weeks that followed leading up to your Christmas adventure with some of your closest friends and family. 

As December began the kids, including the other children and yours that were starting to get excited.

All of those who were still full-time Pro Heroes were working overtime to make up for the fact a few of them would be away at the same time, but at the end of the day, Heroes are people too and need time to relax.

Before you knew it, you were on your way to meet the rest of your travelling companions on the Endeavour agencies private plane. It would hold you all since if they ever needed multiple heroes going to a distant location they would take the plane.

However, like normal people you still had to go through the process of checking your luggage in and heading through security. Since there were so many top pros in your holiday party, as soon as the press got wind of the Lapland adventure they were running the story hard over the Christmas period.

Luckily for you, the destination you were going to had a strict no paparazzi rule to make sure their high-end guest could relax without the pressure of having to watch everything they did. It was also known that people weren't to hassle other guests by asking for autographs or pictures etc. It was one of the reasons that Katsuki had booked the place, he's also arranged it so that all the families were in one massive lodge, as it was a village with a forest with lots of different lodges.

From the very basic to the highest of quality, of course, he had opted for the highest quality which all the other people happily paid for their share of the cost. The village had everything you needed with amazing activities and excursions for you to go on. To say your man had wanted to spoil his stepson all those years ago when he originally planned the holiday was an understatement.

Once through security everyone went their separate ways for food, some just chilling until your flight was ready to go. The twins were extremely excitable, whereas Haru was well behaved as usual but even he was excited.

"Mochi, stop shaking you brother!" Katsuki was getting more annoyed with his little girl who was the most passionate, as she kept jumping on Aki, who was finally getting sleepy from all the excitement. Natsumi, being the firecracker, she was giving her dad the same glare he gave most people.

"Come on, Mochi!" picking the pouting two years old up onto his shoulders, her face changed from grumpy to giggling in no time making you laugh. Looking at Aki he looked sleepy, so bending down you smiled at your son.

"Come on, little man. Want to take a nap?" you smiled as he rubs his eyes with his tiny hand.

"Mum? Can I have some sweets for the flight? Oh and a magazine?" Haru was grinning as you picked Aki up, cuddling him into your body as he instantly went to sleep. As his head touched your neck it seemed a little hot.

"Yeh come on. I think Aki has a fever Katsu. You want to stay here with Natsumi and I'll take Haru and get the little man some calpol?" smiling but your eyes held concern hoping that Aki wouldn't be sick the whole holiday. You had healing hands but that was for broken bones, cuts and tears etc, not for viruses, so you was praying he wasn't sick.

Bakugou's in Lapland! Katsuki Bakugou X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now