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"Mummy!" Aki's sleepy voice is what woke you up from your eight-hour sleep, on your journey to Lapland with your friends and family. Looking down you saw two big red eyes staring at you, his usually spikey ash-blonde hair even more spiked from bed head.

"Hey, little man, how you feeling?" sitting up you rest your back on the wall allowing the little man to crawl on your knee, snuggling into your chest. His head rested against your chest feeling a lot cooler than he had earlier.

"Ok mummy....are we at Santa yet?" he looked up smiling being the usual excited little boy to meet the big man.

"Not yet, Aki. Do you need to go potty or have you been?" at the moment you were currently in the process of potty training the twins. Even though they were in nappies still you were trying as early as possible to get them to know when they needed the toilet and Aki seemed to better at it than Natsumi. There was a concentrated look on his face when he grinned.

"Can we go potty?" he was so proud of himself that he hadn't been in his nappy, as you ruffled his hair. Knowing you'd need the nappy bag you nod, standing up, not bothering with your shoes you pick the little guy up. Not caring if you looked like shit with bed hair! The needs of your son came first and to be fair he must have been hungry; you knew you were. Not only were you hungry you were absolutely starving, meaning the stomach bug had passed, sure you were still a little drained but you put it to being hungry.

Pushing your way out the room you and Aki walked out to see a few people napping, others focused on what they were watching. Looking at Katsuki he was clearly watching something as Natsumi's head was resting on Daigo's whilst they both slept. It was adorable as you saw Kami in your seat watching something.

Walking forward you tried not to disturb anyone too much, to the point that Katsuki hadn't even spotted you as you walked next to Kami getting the nappy bag out, making him take his headphones out. "You ok?" he whispered trying to be quiet and not disturb anyone napping, since you could see all the grandparents were taking a siesta, the Haru-Squad and the Todoroki, along with the Midoriya's also were.

"Yeh we're fine. Aki is gonna be a big boy and go potty," you grin as the little guy tucked into your neck nods at his Uncle Denki. "Just need to grab the changing bag," you comment opening the overhead locker.

"Let me help!" the blonde comment getting off the seat and since there were no seats in front of him you stepped back into the open space. That's when Katsuki noticed you were up along with Kirishima, whilst Mina and Akira were both drooling in their sleep. Smiling at your husband he carefully stood up walking over.

"Hey baby, little man, you and mummy have a good sleep?" he questioned Aki who yawned a little before nodding, as Katsuki put the back of his hand on both your foreheads noticing that the fevers had gone making him grin like an idiot.

"Daddy, I'm hungry," Aki comments as his dad looks to you to see if you were as well.

"We're starving ain't we little man. Aki is going to potty then we want a picnic at the front?" you smile as he nods since there was plenty of space for you to sit, without getting in the way and eat. "Can you get us some food babe, whilst I sort out little man and then make myself a bit more presentable?" kissing your husband's cheek since he had wrapped his arms around you both.

"Anything for my little family. I'm glad you're better and did I hear my big man is going to the toilet, and not popping in his nappy?" giving Aki a little fist bump.

"Can we go poop mummy?" Aki looked desperate as Denki passed the bag to you, grabbing it before quickly striding down the plane, not answering Katsuki but he understood when the little guy had to poop he had to poop.

Bakugou's in Lapland! Katsuki Bakugou X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now