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Christmas day finally arrived, as the pitter-patter of multiple tiny feet could be heard making their ways to their parent's bedrooms. "MUMMMYYYYYDADDDYYYYY!" Natsumi's voice rung through the halls and those not awake now were. The quirk she'd got recently could also amplify her voice with sonic waves. 

"Holy shit!" Katsuki groaned as he snuggled into you before sitting up straight remembering that it was Christmas day. "Happy Christmas baby!" he pulled your sleepy form in for a kiss as you kissed him softly back. Not caring about morning breath just that you wanted your first kiss of Christmas before the chaos began. 

"Happy Christmas handsome!" you pull him in giggling as you both had your Christmas day PJ's on. Katsuki's was Santa and yours was Mrs Claus. That's when your three buzzing with excited children ran into the room. Haru and Aki in elf PJ's and Natsumi in Sugarplum Fairy ones. Clearly she had gotten Haru to help her put her wings on, and he'd also put his little sister's hair in pigtails with a tiny tiara on her tiny head. 

"Mum, Dad happy Christmas!" Haru picked both his siblings up jumping on the bed as the three of you snuggled into a big family hug. 

"Mummy, was I a good boy?" Aki was nervous he'd been naughty and that Santa hadn't been. Looking at Katsuki you both put on serious faces pretending to be worried. 

"Well, little monster shall we get the gang together and check if you've been good?" Katsuki ruffled the little boy's hair. In a flash, the three kids jumped off the bed to make sure everyone was heading downstairs. Quickly brushing your teeth you headed out the door to see everyone gathered at the door to the just before the opening to the living room. 

It looked as if Kirishima and Kaminari were trying to tame lions, as they held the kids back from running into there to go to any presents to open them. That's when you notice Mitsuki and Nermuri come out the kitchen with the black bin bags for the piles of wrapping paper there was going to be. 

The men in the group all walked to the front of the group Katsuki, Eijiro, Denki, Izuku and Shoto as they investigated to see if Santa had indeed been. "Oh, no...who was bad?" Denki popped his head around the corner. What you weren't expecting was any of the kids to answer. 

"My daddy? Did he get coal Uncle Denki?" Natsumi commented making you all laugh, as Katsuki's head popped around the corner. 

"Must be Natsumi's pile!" he smirked as she was about to cry Izuku popped around the corner. 

"Well...you should come look," he smiled as you all walked around, the kid's eyes lighting up as they saw the piles of presents around the living room. Kiri had positioned himself to record as they all walked around to capture the looks on their tiny faces. That was when the mass unwrapping began all the presents being opened. The grandparents provided everyone with coffees before joining your family and opening their own presents. 

 It wasn't long until all the presents were opened, and the dads sat playing with the kids as well as the grandparents whilst you and the other ladies began to get the feast of a meal ready for Christmas Dinner. Stood in the kitchen Momo came over "You haven't given him his present yet?" she smirked as you giggled. 


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