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Waking up the next morning it was operation get ready for breakfast, making sure that you had everyone's swimming stuff packed with towels, changes of clothes, swim nappies and the other bits and bobs.

Holding Aki's hand, then Aki holding Natsumi's hand who was holding Katsuki's hand, whilst Haru walked in front with Max, Sakura, Aoi and Kiko. Daigo, Greyson and Leo all walked with their parents, as you set off towards breakfast. This morning you were absolutely starving craving pancakes with the works, as well as a chilli chocolate hot chocolate. It wasn't uncommon as you loved spicy food just as much as your husband.

However, just as you got to the end of your path to your lodge Aki pulled on your hand, "Mummy I need to poop!" he called out, loud enough for everyone to hear. They all 'aww'd' since he was really getting the hang of the potty training you were doing.

"Like, right now?" stopping you bend down as he nods, you had realised that he preferred to go to the potty, hating the feeling of a full nappy and well wouldn't you. "Ok," picking the little guy up you grabbed your key for the lodge. "Hot stuff. I want a loaded plate of pancakes, the works don't skimp me on the syrup and a hot chocolate a spicy one the hotter the better. I'll be on poop duty!" Laughing as Katsuki glance at you.

For a second he is a little stunned about your order before shaking his head "No worries babe. See you at breakfast. I will make sure your wish is my command." Smirking before giving you a kiss as he picked Natsumi up onto his shoulders, before kneeling to Aki holding out a fist, "Such a big boy using the big man's toilet aren't you monster." The man proud of his son's development as Aki smiled before you rushed him back inside delayering him to go the toilet, while everyone else headed to breakfast.

However, the smell of Aki's poo really hit your senses hard. It was as if they were amplified making you throw up in the sink, not able to hold it back. "Mummy!" the little voice worried that his mummy was sick. It wasn't a lot and was over as quick as it came on making you even more hungry.

"I'm good buddy. How's the poop going?" Glancing to him, quickly brushing your teeth to get rid of the taste of sick as he smiles proudly that he was using the big potty.

"I'm done!" he lifted his arms so that you could get him off the toilet before you wiped his bum, re-layered and started heading towards breakfast. As you were walking you put Aki on your shoulder spinning around and jumping slightly, making him giggle whilst the two of you were messing around, since it was at least a good five to ten-minute walk from the lodge.

Looking around there was no one about or so you thought as you glanced up at Aki "Mummy-shuttle?" you smirk as he nods furiously with excitement, clinging onto you so he didn't fall off, not that you would allow him to fall off. Quickly you took your gloves off, just as a familiar person and a little boy came out their lodge.

"Houston....we have lift off!" you called out in loud distorted voice, and it was loud enough that the man and his son could hear you, both intrigued since they saw the little boy on shoulders giggle away. When they saw you begin to hoover off the floor with your hands at your side activating the sonic part of your quirk, before using the fireside of your quirk to make it look as if you were blasting off before dropping to the floor.

Aki was laughing like crazy as you put him on the floor, putting your gloves back on. "Wow, that's an impressive quirk. It is called a quirk right?" a man's voice commented behind making you freeze but Aki turned running to the direction of the voice.

"Aki..." you called out turning and noticing the smiling face of Natsu stood there with a little boy on his shoulders, that had the same spikey hair but blonde, with the biggest chocolatey brown eyes. "Oh thank god! Hey Natsu. Yeh quirk do you guys not have quirks?" you looked a little confused as you watch Aki stop holding out his little fist, the pink-haired guy putting his own fist to it.

Bakugou's in Lapland! Katsuki Bakugou X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now