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It was cold as you walked by yourself, smiling and happy at the holiday you were having with your family and closest friends. Of course, there had been some ups and downs, but that was always the way with any life. Plus, the downs weren't really bad it was just your grumpy husband and his grumpy ways. 

Getting to the store you decided it would be best to get some bits, to make it look as if you were generally getting some bits. It was clear that Katsuki knew you were up to something since he never normally missed a trick. Due to this, it surprised you that he hadn't questioned the fact that you could indeed be pregnant. However, you felt he was more focused on making sure you had a nice time and due to the twins having a little bit of a bug that you just had that. 

Of course, you'd tried to keep what you assumed to be morning sickness from the hot stud of a man you were married to.  From what everyone had said you knew he would be happy to have another pitter-patter of feet running around the house. 

'Right, chocolate milk, cookies, ice cream for haru....ooo mince pie flavour that's a thing...weird well only try things once' talking to yourself in your head you weren't paying attention when you bumped into the back of someone. "Oh god, I'm so..." looking up you saw the Natsu about to lose it but then smile when he saw it was you. 

"Hey (f/n), you ok?" he was as cheerful as all the times you saw him normally. 

"Yeh good, you? Sorry for bumping into you." beaming back at the guy as Grey, Sting and Rogue popped up from behind the aisle. 

"Cause trouble again ya damn pyro?" Grey called out to the pink-haired man as you tried to state it was your fault, they were butting heads as Sting and Rogue stood either side of you. 

"Don't worry they will chill in a min." Sting commented as Rogue nodded in agreement. "So...not gonna lie shame such a beaut like you is married, isn't it, Rogue." the flirty blonde commented as the guy with the long black hair's cheeks blushes slightly. "We're an item but we love the women as well." he winked making your own cheeks blush. 

"Oh well, ya know happily married." you laugh nervously as Rogue looks at Sting sternly. 

"We are aware, it was inappropriate for Sting to say such things even if you are beautiful." as the words left his lips his face was practically on fire, with embarrassment at the confession. Making Sting chuckle at his what you didn't know until now boyfriend or lover, they weren't very affectionate in public so you'd of not guessed, but looking at them it was most likely due to the black-haired man of the duo being shy. 

"You should bring the fam to Foire. It's really different from the rest of the world, plus ya never know you guys might want to escape and join a guild. If so my doors are always open at Sabertooth." he winked as his blue eyes twinkled. 

"Well, I'll keep it in mind for the future and to be honest it would be lovely to visit maybe in the future to see how different it is. Plus, you should totally come to Japan and if you do we have plenty of rooms." you smile sweetly at the guys who nod as the pink-haired man and the black-haired man join the conversation. 

"If the Bakugou's are joining any guild Sting it's Fairytail, since we're the best!" Natsu had a smug look on his face as you felt another argument coming on. 

"I'll just have to bring the tribe to visit. I should get my bits and head back to get ready for tonight." you smile apologetically as they nod realising they also needed to get back. 

"Sounds good. We're heading that way so can carry your bag." Sting winked as you felt even arguing it was ok, they were heading that way as well. 

Smiling at the four tall, handsome men that you knew were ripped and strong you shrugged "Sounds good...Just gotta get one last thing." you smirk heading towards the section that had condoms, lubes and stuff the three of the four men didn't know where to look as their cheeks were on fire, at the tiny woman they'd only met a few days ago looks curiously at the section in front of her. 

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