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The next morning your stomach awoke you to growling with hunger. 'I'm starving' you thought as you look down to see two big red eyes looking into your face.

"Mummy, I'm hungry!" Aki commented trying to be quiet as Natsumi face pops out of nowhere on top of her brothers, nodding in agreement. Rolling to the side you grab your phone looking at the time.

'For fuck sake' mentally crying inside at it only being 5.30 am. "Ok, but gotta be quiet as Daddy is sleeping ok?" you smile as they both nod putting their tiny fingers over their lips to symbolise they will be quiet.

Throwing your legs out the bed you were thankful you were dressed and that Mitsuki had put the heating on a timer to come on at 5 am, to make sure the lodge was warm for people waking up early. Mostly, because it wasn't unknown for excitement to get the better of the kids waking up super early.

Grabbing their PJ's, you brought in the night before, and the nappy bag over your shoulder, then picking the twins up in either you took one last glance at Katsuki sleeping before exiting the room. The whole lodge was practically silent, apart from the snores of different people in their rooms, however, you continued downstairs to the living room.

Firstly, you had to change both the twin's nappies, before getting them dressed, then heading into the kitchen placing the tots in the highchairs. "What do my little monkeys want from breakfast?" smiling at the twins as they giggle. It was also obvious that Natsumi's voice was still croaky but not as much, Aki is still a little warm but nothing serious and in himself, he seemed fine.

"Well...how 'bout waffles...banana and chocolate for little monster and strawberries and cream for my little princess?" tickling their tummies they both seemed in high spirits, making you feel relieved. Both were nodding like crazy symbolising that they did indeed want homemade waffles by their mummy.

Getting to work you made a massive bowl of waffle mix, knowing that people would be hungry when they woke up. Feeling it was best you prepped everything that people would want on their waffles from fruit, to sauces, cream and even had bacon precooked and being kept warm in the oven. Once the twin's waffles were done you cut them into bite-size pieces placing them in front of them and yours in front of you with a tea for and a juice for the tot duo.

Whilst you were cooking you felt nuisance but as soon as you had food in your stomach you felt fine, so put it down to hunger pangs. Whilst listening to Disney songs in the kitchen, the three of you ate. Once finished you cleaned your plates up noticing it was nearly seven and no one was awake yet, so grabbing the twins colouring books they happily sat colouring whilst you grabbed your phone checking some work emails, knowing full well if Katsuki saw you doing anything work-related you would be in big trouble.

Lost in thought, the twins were being so well behaved happily colouring in their books and you focusing on your phone you hadn't sensed people coming downstairs until two large arms wrapped around your back. "I felt like something important was missing from the bed. Why didn't you wake me up?" Katsuki sounded extremely sleepy and husk as he rested his chin on your head looking over at twins who were very focused on colouring.

"You looked peaceful. Plus, doubt a five-thirty wake up is something you actually wanted." You giggle making him chuckle at you.

"Yeh, you're right. Love you!" kissing the top of your head he walked to grab a coffee from the already brewed pot.

"Hungry...I'm making waffles!" you wink at him getting up and waltzing over to the fridge removing the mix.

"Best Waifu in the world...sure don..." he was cut off by you leaning up and kissing his lips, to stop him from trying to do it when he had just woke up, however, it stirred his morning desires as he placed the cup down wrapping his arms around your body and making the kiss a lot more passionate.

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