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Getting back to the lodge after the swimming everyone especially the kids were exhausted. Aki, Natsumi and Akira were that tired, they slept all the way back to the lodge. As soon as, you stepped into the large, warm lodge, amazing smells hit everyone's noses making the whole group drool. 

"Bout time your back!" Mitsuki called out making everyone chuckle but Katsuki was still a little ticked off about the fight he'd almost had in the pool. Trying to not make it a big thing, you'd not mentioned it to the rest of the group.

"Shut it, Hag! We're back when we said we'd be back!" Katsuki yelled at his mum, making most people in the room cringe, of course not your family, or Masaru his dad. It was a common battle between the two extremely firey ash blonde, so you were all accustomed to it. 

Trying to defuse the situation to not make the ash-blonde blow a fuse for the second time, you sighed, "We'll get the kids ready then be down for fun, Mitsuki!" Smiling at the woman, who nods noticing you seeming a little deflated, glancing at you as you slipped your shoes off and heading to the kid's room to get them into PJ's, with Haru following you. 

Just as Katsuki was about to vanish after you as everyone else had already started to leave at the same time, Mitsuki and your dad had noticed your attitude. "Brat, what you do?" the blonde woman a little quieter, not wanting to cause a scene but also Natsumi was lying in her son's arms snoozing. 

"What you mean, what I do?" he snapped in a hushed tone, really not in the mood for another argument today. 

"(f/n), looks down did something happen?" your dad commented making Nemuri and Masaru start to take out the plates of different foods to the table, so their partners could question the man. 

"She's fine!" Katsuki snapped, but knowing full well you were clearly still annoyed about earlier. 'Am I ruining her holiday...by being so insecure...what if they're villains...they were covered in scars!' he thought before being snapped back to the room. 

"Clearly something happened..." Mitsuki added before Leon, your dad added to the conversation. 

"She seemed a little defeated. Did something happen at the pool?" your dad was a kind man but Katsuki, didn't want people butting their noses into his marriage, since as far as he was aware you were happy but the way you were acting, was beginning to make him doubt himself. 

"Keep your damn nose outta my marriage!" he growled before storming out the room and up the stairs, the two of them left stunned that he had said such a thing when in their eyes they were concerned and wanted to help. Noticing his son walk upstairs in a worse mood than he was when he got back, the quiet man with glasses headed back into the kitchen looking at his stunned wife and a man he considered his best friend. 

"You know he will talk if it was really serious," he commented before grabbing another dish and taking it out the room, leaving the two adults talking to each other, about the possibilities of what could have happened. 

Meanwhile, upstairs Aki was still snoozing, so you placed him on your bed whilst you began to get changed in some of the family matching PJ's you had bought, specifically for the holiday and you couldn't wait to see Katsuki in them. Taking all of your layers off, you stood staring at yourself in the mirror, completely lost in thought, as you placed a hand on your stomach rubbing it slightly when the door pushed open. 

Turning you saw Katsuki, with a pissed off look on his face making you scowl. Carefully, he placed the female of the two twins next to her brother before twisting to look at you stood there with a confused look on your face wearing nothing but underwear. "What happened?" you start walking over to the man who was frozen to the spot, as he looked at your body with the urge to ravage it and release all the pent up frustration he was feeling. 

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