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"You mentioned Wendy wasn't here so couldn't heal your ankle? I can pop by later and sort it if you like? It's a bit too cold to do it out here." You smile at the guy who looks a little dumbfounded as he didn't know you could heal. "Lucy, said she has a book for me to fetch....so two birds one stone." You smile sweetly as he looks at you.

"That would be amazing! Wendy doesn't get here till tomorrow or is it the day after...I dunno whenever the ball thing that I'm being dragged to is!" he laughed making you chuckle. As he wrapped his white scarf he was wearing further around his neck. "It's really cold. I'm not a fan of it...I'm a fire dragon slayer!" he mumbled looking sad.

"Is that your type of Magic?" you looked at him curiously as he nods.

"Yep...I was raised by a dragon called Igneel. It's very long and confusing but he was amazing." You could tell in the looks in his eyes, that he and his friends had been through a lot in their time from a very early age.

"You know, even if something bad happens and you feel that there is no escaping from the sadness. If you don't look for the light in others you never find it but I can see that you already know that." Smiling at the man who sat thinking about your words.

"I guess you're right...even though Grey pisses me off. He had my back!" he laughed as he points out the guy with black hair using ice with his with and children. Then you discussed friends and family, Natsumi fast asleep in your arms, then a boom made you turn to look to see Katsuki running towards you with a very distressed looking Aki in his arms then you saw a shock of fire coming from the little boy's hands.

"SHIT!" you called waking Natsumi up "Can you hold her?" you looked at the man who nodded as you passed the little girl to the man running towards you son who was crying his eyes out as your friends gathered their children up.

"AKI...I'M COMING!" you call out fear pure in your voice that he was hurting, not sure what had happened.

"BABE, HIS QUIRK!" you heard Katsuki yelling at you as your eyes went wide since they were only two, but it wasn't uncommon to come in this early since Katsuki and yourself were both early starts with quirks.

Getting to you he placed Aki in the snow as you crouched in front of him with your husband, it was clear the blast had gotten your husband as there was a burn on the handsome face of Katsuki. "You hurt?" you looked at him as he shook his head.

"Just a scratch mummy can heal it, buddy? Show mummy your quirk!" it was obvious that he was crying because it may be hurting his hands, but he'd also hurt his daddy. "Come on show your mummy how strong you are!" the man was practically glowing with what his son could do.

"Let's see what you can do buddy!" wiping the little boys red eyes he placed his hands forward as two fireballs appeared and floated up above your heads. They weren't huge and it was two perfectly round balls of fire, looking closely you could see the fire swirling inside until all of a sudden, they popped and a boom went off with each one.

"OMG, they're so cool my little man. We can call you the fire bubble hero!" you smile as he claps his hands now bare to the cold as Haru looks relieved his little brother wasn't crying anymore. Then you glanced back to see Natsumi, had got free of Natsu and was running towards you all with Natsu hobbling behind before she jumped on you back since you were crouching in the snow.

"Look Mochi, Aki's quirk came in!" Katsuki smiling at the little girl who seemed both happy and sad that she wasn't first, her throat still too sore to complain.

"Sorry...I couldn't catch her...aww man your face!" Natsu looked into the raging eyes of your husband.

"Tch! Sweetcheeks can sort it!" he snapped as you glanced at your husband who sighed he'd promised to say 'hello' and all your group had come over to look by now. "Hello..." he glanced at the pink-haired man who could tell he was saying hello for your sake, as did your friends.

"Hey man, did I see fire...Aki little man let me see it...I'm hungry!" the pink-haired man smiled as you all looked confused as his friends had started to walk over Aki released some of the balls of fire. Before they could pop Natsu sucked them in swallowing them, making all of you panic before you heard them pop. "Little man that's some tasty fire...just like popping candy!" he chuckled as you were all stunned.

"I told you...I'm a dragon slayer...fire is my speciality!" he smirked as you all still stood stunned.

"Yeh, the guys a damn flame brain!" the guy grey who he'd pointed out early commented.

"We're dragon slayers too." Sting and Rogue commented as the guy with piercing smirks.

"Don't forget me and then there is Wendy and Laxus oo and that Cobra guy!" the gruff tones still not clicking as you smile.

"Oh, so you were all raised by dragons?" Everyone in your group looked from you to the men in front of you as they nodded.

"They died though." Natsu looked devastated and that's when your friends realised what they were saying was true.

"Mummy, Natsu ate my fire? Can I eat fire?" Aki commented as he let a little bubble go up, his mouth opened and before thinking you pushed Aki reaching for the bubble, everyone's eyes going wide as if it was slow motion, as the little bubble exploded in your hand.

Closing your eyes the pain wasn't as bad as you thought it would be since Katsuki had placed his hand in front of yours, and Natsu was quick enough to suck the flames up. "What are you doing stupid, you can't be healed. You know that!" Katsuki was raging at you as you stood up! Staring down at him.

"I'd rather have my hand get blown off, than Aki is hurt..." Your tone was harsh as you picked your son up who was crying that he had hurt you since your gloves were scorched and a tiny burn on your hand. "Little man, you aren't whatever Natsu is." Wiping his eyes.

"I hurt daddy though!" looking at Katsuki's hand and face you pulled your glove off with your teeth placing it on the ash blonde's face channelling your quirk into his face since there was skin contact, it was more effective.

"See all better...Idiot give me your hand!" glaring at your husband he did what he was told, but there was a hint of lust in his eyes as he loved it when you took dom in the bedroom sometimes, and the tone you'd just spoken to was the same. Healing his hand you smile sighing "Sorry for that. I should get Aki back, but least I know he wasn't ill now!" you smile "Also, Natsumi your quirk might be on its way!" you smile as her face lights up.

"What is his quirk? Have you determined it?" Shoto asked as everyone else was chatting amongst themselves, you looked at Aki's tiny hands.

"Yeh it's Katsuki quirk, but mixed with my sonic forming fireballs that then explode." You smile as the little boy gets excited that he had both his mummy and daddies quirks, but you're relieved as it means you can still heal the little guy.

"That's awesome my manly little dude!" Kiri gives his godson a fist bump.

"That means you'll overtake your daddy in no time!" Kami adds making Katsuki feel a little conflicted but he is amazed at the quirk his son, and like you are excited for the fact that he will still be able to be healed up if hurt.

"Natsu, I'll pop by later to sort that ankle ok?" you smile as he nods the two groups chatting again before you decide it's time to part ways and head back to the lodge.

As usual, you have Aki on your shoulders and Natsumi on Katsuki's, as Haru walks in front. Holding hands with your husband, he squeezes your hand for you to look at him. "I love you! Thank you for my carrying our amazing children, and being strong enough to deal with my grumpy ass!" he smirked as he kissed your hand.

"Well I do think you have a sexy grumpy ass and I love you too. Let's get back I'm craving something spicy!" you giggle as Katsuki wiggles his eyebrows making you blush.

"Pervert!" you smirked before winking "Maybe later!" you laugh before you all get back to the lodge, eating and getting the kids slightly settled before you put your layers on to go help with Natsu's ankle.

"Can you take at least Pinky, Ponytail, Pink cheeks or emo with you?" your husband still not convinced you weren't being lured into a trap, making you roll your eyes as Momo and Mina come forward.

"We'll go to give you peace of mind!" the busty black-haired woman commented, making your husband physically relax as the three of you head up to the lodge up from yours, and knocking on the door. 

***Thank you for reading***

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