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Standing in the snow you ended up picking Aki up, as he seemed extremely cold for some reason, wrapping a spare scarf you had brought just in case he wasn't feeling very well still around him. It did seem to warm him up a little bit whilst the instructors went through how to control the dogs, such as commands to stop, start, faster etc.

Then you were separated into your sleighs that had lots of blankets on which you knew Aki would be happy with. "Mum, can I go with you and the twins go with Dad?" Haru commented making you smile as you would be happy to spend time with your eldest.

"Sure thing! Haru and Mum taking on the world!" fist-bumping you looked at Katsuki who had snapped a photo of the two of you. "Oh can you get a picture of us!" you called out to anyone listening who nodded. In the end, they took pictures of your family, then with the grandparents, a big group photo with the dogs before you all sat down.

Haru was sat in front of you and as you looked to the sledge next to you, Aki and Natsumi were snuggled into Katsuki's lap. Both the twins talking at their dad at how cool the doggies were and then Haru spoke out "Mum when we get home can we have a dog?" that made the twins eyes turn towards your sligh already doing their best 'puss in boots eyes' as you tried to ignore them.

"I don't know. Let's talk about it as a family after the holiday yeh? A dog is a big responsibility that would need walking, feeding and looking after, ok Haru?" you smile as Katsuki glances over shrugging and you give him the 'we will talk about it look'.

Leaning back and looking up at you Haru's eyes always reminded you of your late husband and you found it hard to say no to. "I understand mum. I was worried yesterday that you would be to sick on to do this today." You could tell he was concerned as he was terrified of losing you since he nearly had when you had been kidnapped by a guy you had known since you were five.

"Hey, I wouldn't let feeling sick stop me from having fun, my main man. I'm invincible you know that." Wrapping your arms around him, he snuggled into you "Love you Haru. Let's kick Katsuki's ass as he can't go to fast since he has the twins" looking over you could see the nerve twitching as he knew you were right.

"Dad, you're going down!" Haru called out making the man chuckle

"I have a disadvantage called trouble and bubble here, so I should get a head start!" the man called back making the two of you laugh as Mitsuki was the other side with Masaru.

"Brat, you're going down!" she cackled making his face flare in his anger knowing he had drawn the short straw by getting you to deal with the twins at breakfast, instead of making you take the on the sledge with them on.

"Shut it Hag!" he groaned making the twins giggle as you were all lined up ready to go.

"Babe, you got the reigns?" you heard your dad wink at Nemuri the R rated hero and teacher at U.A who married your dad.

"You know it handsome!" she winked making you want to actual hurl at the thought of your dad and your step mum. Memories flashing back to your mind that you had wished to forget about. However, it always made you smile that he was happy and was finally able to move on from your mum passing away when you were five, seen as you like your own son lost a parent to a villain.

Looking over at all the other families, Kirishima had Max in front of him and Mina had Akira. Kyoka had Daigo and Denki had Aoi. Shoto was in the same boat as Katsuki since he had Leo and Greyson, whilst Momo had Sakura. Then the Midoriya family where all on a bit of a bigger one with Izuku at the back then Ochacho, and Kiko their little girl in front of her.

"Well, least I'll beat that shit nerd Deku!" Katsuki shouted making you sigh, as you couldn't stop him from swearing sometimes in front of the kids, unfortunately, luckily everyone accepted that is how he was and you were thankful that the kids didn't copy him. It wasn't the worst words like fuck, mostly bastard and shit, he left the fucks for out of the kid's earshot.

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