Chapter 3: First Meeting

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~Karen's POV

A small department store had caught fire in a town down in the Hinterlands. Thankfully, it was a day when they weren't very busy so everyone made it out safely. I helped a few civilians to our transport to get them to safe places. I don't like feeling prideful, but I was always happy to help others; that might be why I had a bit of a smile on my face, despite the desperate situation. I was helped by several volunteers but I didn't recognize any of them. They must be from different departments.

"Is that the last of them," I asked one of my associates.

"Looks like it, and the fire is under control. Go regroup with those two over there and tell them to get a report to the chief. After the fire is out for good, we'll let you know when to head back to headquarters."

"Understood sir," I replied as he walked away.

I walked towards the direction he had pointed me in to find two men talking. Both of them were taller than me, and both of them had black hair. At first I thought they might have been brothers, but as I got closer I noticed they were obviously not related. The man on the left wore black-rimmed glasses covering his blue eyes, his hair was a bit untidy, and his facial features were different from his companion's. I took a second glance at his friend.

His friend was attractive... very attractive. His hair was more neat than the other man's, which I rather preferred myself. He didn't wear glasses making me able to see his wide, handsome, green eyes more clearly. I couldn't help wishing very much to be able to speak to this good-looking gentleman more but unfortunately: I have a job to do.

"Hello," I said smiling at them. "I need to tell you that one of you needs to report this to the chief when we get back."

The more handsome of the two gentlemen flashed a very charming smile back at me. "I'll be sure to take care of it. I don't believe we've been introduced, Quinten Quagmire."

"I'm Karen Denouement," I replied shaking his hand politely.

"I saw you save the last of those civilians, you're a very capable volunteer," Quinten said.

I smiled a little bigger, "Oh, I'm no better than anyone else, but I appreciate the compliment."

We were then interrupted by his glasses-eyed friend loudly clearing his throat and saying, "Q, no flirting on the job."

I couldn't help snorting at that comment, though the implication that we were flirting would have meant that I was too.

Quinten gave him a glare. "Sorry this is my friend Bertrand; he likes to be annoying at the worst possible times."

"It's quite alright," I said, "Nice to meet you."

Bertrand nodded politely at me. Another of our associates came by and assigned us to go back to the office. I had to break away from staring at my handsome new acquaintance to get back in the truck and head off; they were traveling in a different car. I simply must tell Bea when I see her.

"Quinten Quagmire... I think I made a friend today!"

~Beatrice's POV

I got out my best fancy dinner attire, an elegant blue dress, and took a ride to my destination in a taxi driven by my friend Jacques Snicket, who was also my ex's older brother. He gave me a polite smile when I got in the car.

"Evening Bea, you look nice."

"Thank you, Jacques, always got to look your best when you're undercover."

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