Chapter 15: The Denouement Discourse

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~Dewey's POV

I had to find Karen. We had a family problem and she needs to hear it, preferably sooner rather than later. I can't believe this happened. My heart was aching at the thought. It took me several minutes walking around the headquarters asking people until I finally got an answer on where she was. She was in the medical ward because Sammie had her baby today. Knowing that information made me feel more guilty that I was the bearer of bad news on such a joyous occasion as a new life in the world. But I had to do this now.

I reached the medical ward and found the room that Karen was in. Hopefully she won't be too upset about being removed from the conversation. I knocked politely and the door was answered by Beatrice. Everyone greeted me, and I couldn't help but smile at Sammie and congratulate her on her new baby girl. Needing to tell my cousin bad news was no excuse for impoliteness to others after all.

Karen was holding Sammie's daughter and sitting on a chair beside her hospital bed. I tried to ignore the fact that Quinten was staring thoughtfully at the image of my cousin holding a baby. Now was certainly not the time to be overprotective.

"Karen I need to see you outside for a moment, it's a family thing," I said trying to sound nonchalant.

Karen nodded and handed the little girl carefully back to her mother before following me outside.

"What's wrong Dewey," She asked instantly, "Is it about your-"

I clamped a hand over her mouth. "I said not to talk about that yet!"

Karen gave me a deadpanned look and calmly took my hand off her mouth. "I know and it's killing me that I can't tell anyone too. So what's the real problem?"

I looked around. "Is there some place more confidential that we can discuss this? It's rather important."

That changed her demeanor significantly. She now looked worried. I led her to an empty hallway away from the door so we could speak freely.

"I have some very troubling news... It's about Ernest."

"What about him," She asked softly.

I took a deep breath. "I was doing my work at the hotel as usual and I found some... dubious messages between Ernest and more than a few unsavory contacts. It appears that he's been involving himself in some shady business deals with our enemies..."

Karen stared at me in silence as if I said something insane.

"He's... a fire-starter?"

I could only nod in response. She quickly tried to compose herself rather than getting angry at me for this evidence.

"Are you sure there's no other possible answer to explain them?"

"One of his contacts was Count Olaf, who's still being hunted by the organization for going rogue. It seems they've arranged a meeting."

She looked upset and disappointed. "I see... This is horrible. Where's Frank?"

"At the hotel, you know the rules, one of us has to hold down the fort against our enemies."

"I can't even imagine how you must be feeling right now. I mean... he's my cousin but you're his brothers."

I put my hand on her shoulder. "Karrie, please, don't worry about me. I'm the oldest, I'm supposed to handle these kinds of tough situations. Frank is taking it hard though. He barely looked Ernest in the eye all morning."

"I don't know if I'll be able to either. If they've arranged a meeting then Ernest knows where Olaf is. He's withholding information from us and that makes him an accomplice."

"I am aware of that," I replied, "However, I could not find out from this evidence where Olaf is currently in hiding. And I have no idea when Ernest intends to leave. All the details were very vague, it's a miracle I was able to deduce anything."

She suddenly looked worried again. "Does he know you did this?"

"No, it was last night when everyone in the hotel had clocked out. I found them in his office while I was working late."

"At least he doesn't know... Then we can't find out where he's going."

"And we certainly have no idea what he might be doing there. I'm sorry to ruin your day with this, Karen, I can see that you were better off not knowing-"

"No, I'm glad you told me. I would have had to find out somehow and I'm glad I heard it from you and not from one of our superiors. We're family, Dewey, and this is personal."

Her words helped me feel loads better about the situation. We would get through this time together as a family.

"I should get back to the others before they get worried," She added.

"I understand, and I need to get back to the hotel. And tell Sammie I'll send her a present for the baby; it's the least I can do for barging in like that."

Karen smiled, "I'll do that, she'll appreciate it. The girl's name is Fiona, by the way, since no one told you. Beautiful kid; wish I could have one of those..."

"You'll get one someday, I'm sure of it."

I always said these words to her whenever she lamented the fact that she couldn't have children. Truthfully, I had no idea if she ever would, but I wanted to keep her spirits up. But she did have Quinten, and from what I saw of him when she introduced us he was very devoted to her. I'm sure that if they get married someday, they will get to that point too. She walked off to rejoin her friends to pretend that she hadn't just received terrible news about her own family that no one would be happy to hear. And I had to go back to work in a confined environment where my brother could be watching my every move.

They do say to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. If Ernest is truly going to be my enemy then I'll be plenty close. After all, I'm going to see him every day at work.

~End of Chapter!

Sorry this one is a little short. There wasn't much else that needed to be established before the next major plot point so I hope you don't mind!

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