Chapter 6: Plan A

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~Beatrice's POV

"What on earth does 'accomplished' mean?" I asked reading over the files we had gotten.

"Something to do with how she alters her patients," Quinten replied, "But it's just a guess."

I studied our limited information closely. So far, if Georgina is guilty, she's good at covering her tracks. We have virtually nothing to lead up on except probable cause itself; and even that was looking flimsy. R recommended working around her for our own safety. But I can't help feeling like that suggestion should be ignored. If only there was a way to get her to talk without asking her to talk. I glanced at the newsletter on my desk and found what might have been a solution.

"What if we spy on her," I suggested.

"You mean go to Paltryville," Karen replied quizzically.

I shook my head, "No I mean at next month's gala." I held up the paper to show them. "Every year we have that gala here at headquarters and as I recall Georgina always attends. She enjoys schmoozing with potential customers. It's a bit of a wait, but I think it's the only chance we can get her into a state of letting her guard down."

Bertrand chose this opportunity to speak up, "What makes you think that she won't come unguarded? Or unarmed?"

"I've seen her at these events before," Karen answered, "She only brings her walking cane and a new date every time. I think it sounds like a clever idea, Bea. There's so many people she wouldn't even notice someone listening in on her. We'd barely have to be discreet."

"But there's still one problem: it's next month. The Duchess won't take kindly to us putting off such a serious investigation, even if it's part of the plan," Quinten said.

"R said we are free to go about our investigation however we choose. If this is how we choose then I'm sure she'll let it slide. Now are we all on board?"

The two boys responded with a yes. I saw Karen smile brightly with a sly look in her eyes.

"Then it's settled, we just have to add our names to the guest list and hope for the best."

This plan was risky; the idea that Georgina would let slip damning information was very unlikely, but it was worth a chance.

~Karen's POV

And so we began our waiting. It was only a few weeks; it shouldn't be that bad. And along the way, Bea and I decided to spend time getting to know our new friends. As such the weeks passed as relatively normal. We'd spend time together almost daily, and every day I was more and more drawn to my handsome friend.

And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious as to what he looked like in a nice suit... god damn it stop that! After weeks of these thoughts running through my brain, I started to think, "Ok maybe I'm more than a little attracted to Quinten." I didn't think at the time that he'd end up as my husband or anything, but something told me there was a spark between us. One that I wasn't about to ignore. And I get a kick out of watching him stumble when I greet him with a big smile. Speaking of which, today I had something to ask him about our upcoming plans. It wasn't anything serious but I needed to say it.

"Hey Quinten?"

He smiled at me, "Yes?"

"So when we go to the gala, I was thinking that we should wear red," I said with a sly smile.

Quinten nearly dropped his wrench, "Er, 'we?'"

I giggled, "Yeah we, as in 'two people going to a party together.' I mean you didn't think we weren't going together, did you?"

~Quinten's POV

Did she just-? No... she didn't... did she?! Oh god say something, you dumbass! You're not supposed to be the dorky one!

"Um, going as your date sounds like a lovely idea."

She flashed me another of her gorgeous smiles and replied, "Great! I'll meet you at 7 then."

With that, she walked off. I almost wished that we didn't have to do this assignment together. Not because I hated working with Karen, I enjoyed it, but because I would have liked much more for this, ahem, "date" to be for romantic, personal, reasons rather than hoping that we get information on a potential fire-starter.

"Wipe that dreamy look off you face, Q," I heard Bertrand say.

I glared at him. "I don't know what you're talking about."

He snickered. "I heard you talking to Karen. Seems to me that she might like you back."

"Ah, yes and the way that Beatrice calls you 'Bertie' and you just allow it without question. Careful, B, if I didn't know any better I'd say she fully intends to have you as her date this weekend too."

It was now my turn to laugh at my friend's embarrassment. Just because I'm distracted by the black haired, brown eyed, goddess that is Karen Denouement doesn't mean I can't see how infatuated Bertrand is with Beatrice. Though I don't see why she isn't just going for it. Bertrand is easy to charm, to put it bluntly. Perhaps Bea recently had some relationship troubles or something, not that it's any of my business.

"Now if Karen wants to wear red, then I'd better make sure I have something suitable... I'll bet she looks gorgeous in a dress..."

~Beatrice's POV

Once a month had passed it was finally time for the annual gala. V.F.D. galas were formal occasions, held mostly to boost morale within the volunteers and give them a chance to relax for a single night. Needless to say, Karen and I adored the looks on Quinten and Bertrand's faces when they saw us in our lovely formal dresses. I think they both might have nearly fainted.

I saw no sign of Lemony at the party but I did see Jacques and Kit, along with all my other friends and associates. Gustav, Jacqueline, Larry who had a habit of stealing longing glances at Jacqueline, Dr. Montgomery, my brother Ike and his wife Josephine (a fierce and formidable dark skinned woman with a lust for daring stunts), and I noticed Sammie sitting with Captain Widdershins and talking to Esmé; Fernald was nowhere to be found, I assumed he chose to stay home for the evening.

And then I spotted our target. Georgina was accompanied by what I assumed was one of her patients. He looked strangely blank and glassy-eyed. I alerted Bertrand's attention and the two of us slipped towards her to catch anything that would be of note. They were talking to several other volunteers.

"Georgina where do you get such polite dates?"

My first instinct was to disregard this conversation, but then I heard something that caught my attention.

"Well it's certainly not because I hypnotize them," I heard Georgina say, while laughing. She earned a couple dismissive laughs from the people she was talking to then she asked her date, "Lucky, would you be a dear and refill my martini?"

I watched carefully as her date blinked suddenly and replied, "Of course, Georgina." His voice was strangely devoid of emotion.

Bertie and I glanced at each other as the man walked over to the bar. We then saw him come back with a martini in hand, and Georgina took it. That was a fascinating exchange. Who on earth talks to their date like that? Her apparently. I motioned for Bertie to follow me over to where Quinten and Karen were waiting for us. We quietly said we would tell them what we watched once we were out of here.

As such, the rest of the evening played out like a normal party. Couples dancing together, people laughing at absurd jokes, it was quite peaceful, if you didn't focus on the mission the four of us currently had.

But I couldn't stop thinking about that word: hypnotize. Hypnosis isn't real... is it?

~End of Chapter!

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