Chapter 14: An Overdue Apology

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~Moxie's POV

"I swear to god, Snicket, if you don't get back soon..."

News from the big city on the other side of the mountains had spread like wildfire. A man had been murdered at the opera house, and no one knew what had happened. Damn you Snicket, I'd get to the bottom of that case in a heartbeat! But no I had to stay in Stain'd By The Sea while Lemony ran off to do his volunteer work with his trampy ex.

Ok that's not really fair, I guess... Beatrice seemed nice enough. A hell of a lot nicer than Ellington on a good day. And I didn't see her making any moves on him. I can't help being the jealous type, it's just how I am!

"Are you still thinking about your boyfriend?"

I scowled at Ellington, "Yes I am." She was here to give me something from her and Kellar and she hadn't left yet.

Ellington sipped her coffee before responding. "It seems dangerous to still be involved with him, you know. What with his secret agent work and all that shit."

"I appreciate the concern, but I'm quite capable of handling myself."

"I wasn't just referring to you. I was the one who was locked up with Kit Snicket for months on end before she was able to break us out. Kit told me that volunteers have a nasty habit of losing close friends and loved ones, and there's nothing to be done about it," Ellington replied.

I had to admit she was right. Lemony told me such things did happen more often than they'd like. And we all saw it for ourselves first hand when we lost a very noble librarian that all of us felt very close to. Even so, I wouldn't let that deter me. I loved Lemony Snicket and I wanted to stand by him to the bitter end; if the end was going to be bitter. I wanted to be his wife someday, to meet his family, to join him in danger if the need arose. I'm his prime associate; I wasn't afraid of the risk.

Knock knock

I quickly got up and answered the door to find exactly the man I was thinking of.

"What's the news Moxie?"

"You tell me Snicket, there's been a murder in the city that sounds awfully suspicious."

He stepped inside and went to hang up his coat. "There's no one else here is there?"

"Oh, just me Mr. Snicket," Ellington said from my kitchen doorway. She had her purse on her shoulder and was clearly about to leave. "But don't mind me, I was just leaving; I'm none too interested in hearing about another murder anyway."

I was about to retort something about her minding her own damn business, but Lemony spoke up. "Actually, Ellington, I would rather like it if you were to spare just a moment of your time to hear me out..."

There was a silence after that. For the many months that Lemony was living here he rarely spoke to Ellington, much less so directly. I think it was to avoid saying the wrong thing and setting her off; she was rather volatile when it came to Lemony Snicket and she did have quite a temper. Whether you agreed with her reasons or not it was still true. But she was just as shocked as I was about Lemony's words.

"I... oh fine what is it? I don't have all day," Apparently, Ellington was not immune to the "polite voice."

Lemony gave her a faint smile in thanks before speaking again. "Moxie you have my permission to take this down if you wish."

I blinked and instinctively went to pick up my typewriter and took a spot on a chair to type. I don't know what Lemony was doing but I was very curious to find out. And once he started talking I went straight to typing.

"Something terrible happened while I was out a mission with a very close friend. As you've heard from the news, it is true a man was murdered at the opera house. However, what the news is not aware of is that this man's death was an accident... and he was also my best friend's father."

I glanced up at him after finishing typing that... His best friend's father? How awful!

"And why are you telling me this," Ellington asked, impatiently.

"I'm getting to it," He replied. "This was a good man, I've known him most of my life. Never did anything wrong, never hurt anyone. But something went wrong on this mission and because of that he's dead... and it's my fault. It was my fault that he died. I killed him and I did not mean to and I have to live with that for the rest of my life. My best friend, er, former at this point... is not a stable man. I could see it in his eyes before I left, he will not accept that it was an accident. I'm telling you this because when I was driving back here after finishing this mission, I realized that in the time that I've been here, there's something that I should have tried to do much sooner and I want to do it now."

I saw Lemony take a couple steps towards her and look her directly in the eyes.

"I'm sorry about what I did to you. And I know that this apology is very overdue and I don't have an excuse for why I didn't do it sooner, and I should have, but I'm giving it now. Even if you never forgive me, Ellington Feint, I want you to know that I am sorry."

I can't believe I hadn't realized he didn't apologize to her yet. It seemed like a situation that couldn't be apologized for. It took him killing someone on accident to make him realize he should have apologized for killing someone on purpose several years prior? Lemony Snicket you are an enigma...


I blinked suddenly as Ellington broke the long silence.

"What," Lemony asked.

Ellington cleared her throat, "I said ok... I can accept that apology..."

There was another long pause before she added, "Um, Moxie, if you want to bring him then I don't mind, I'm sure that it would be useful to take his mind off his situation." She turned to Lemony again. "Thank you... for thinking to apologize. I hadn't thought that you might. I suppose the possibility never crossed my mind."

"Then... you forgive me?"

"I'll think about it. But right now I have some plans to attend to, so I should be going."

Ellington stepped past him and was about to walk out the door before pausing and adding quietly. "I know he was a terrible man, Lemony Snicket, and I know he was my father... I was reminded of both those facts very frequently when I first moved back here..."

With that, she left. I was never able to say if Ellington truly forgave Lemony after this moment, but they definitely had a much more peaceful understanding from this day forward, and that was more than enough. I set aside my typewriter and walked up to him.

"That was amazing; I'm glad you did that," I said.

"I am too."

"Is everything going to be alright? What happened to Beatrice?"

"She's gone home and she's safe, that's all that matters to me. And if it will put your mind at ease, she does have a new boyfriend too."

I smiled sheepishly, "Oh... I suppose I didn't consider that..."

Lemony nodded, "You're fine, and I gave her one of your cards in case she needs my help again. With what happened at the opera house it's quite necessary for volunteers to look out for each other right now."

I wasn't the most enthused about that, but he can't predict the future. If Beatrice needs his help I will support him.

"What did Ellington mean by 'if you want to bring me?'"

I smiled and grabbed something off my coffee table and handed it to him. He gave me a curious look at the little envelope and pulled out the paper inside it.

You are cordially invited to the wedding of Kellar Blake Haines and Ellington Jane Feint.

Lemony gave me a little smile after reading the details of my invitation. "You know that does sound like a very good way to take my mind off things."

"I'm glad you think so, because I've already checked plus one," I replied giving him a kiss.

~End of Chapter!

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