Chapter 8: Mission Indeterminate

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~Karen's POV

God I hope that back-up gets here soon. Beatrice told us to focus on getting the guy to stop by any means necessary, while she handled Georgina. Bertrand was going to help civilians to safety. So many buildings were burning already; stores, houses, he clearly had a plan. Or perhaps it wasn't his plan. Either way, we'd have to take him down.

Quinten and I ran for him right as he was about to turn his flamethrower away from his current target. Fire was still coming out of it too, Quinten swiftly pushed me out of the way so we wouldn't get hit. After getting up I hurriedly grabbed the man from behind and forced him to the ground. He let go of his weapon and Quinten turned it off. The man barely tried to get up, his trance like state keeping him from thinking clearly. Unfortunately the fire was spreading too fast, most of the town had been hit.

Quinten informed me that our trucks had arrived. I held our culprit firmly in place. One of our associates came over to us as the others attempted to put out the blaze. The man was Jacques Snicket.

"What happened," Jacques asked.

"We'll tell you once we're safe," I replied, "Lock up that flamethrower, we need it for evidence and it needs to be away from this man."

Jacques nodded and quickly apprehended the weapon and locked it in the back of one of our trucks.

"How do we stop him from trying again," Quinten asked.

"I don't know, hypnotists usually have some kind of code word to tell the victim to stop, but it could be any word at all and we don't have time to start guessing."

Bertrand returned, "I think most of the civilians are out safely. Any sign of Bea?"

"Not since we separated," I said.

Poor Bertrand looked worried; but Bea can take care of herself.

"Ask Jacques if they have a pair of handcuffs I can put on this guy," I told Quinten, "I don't want to sit here all day keeping him still."

~Beatrice's POV

With my spyglass in hand, I kicked open the door of Georgina's office. Strange, there was no sign of her. With a quick glance behind me I saw Paltryville burning brightly against the night sky. Hopefully, she hasn't already escaped. I readied myself for anything as I stepped carefully into the reception area. She wouldn't be the type to go down without a fight; if we can catch her at all.

"Hello Beatrice."

I turned my spyglass towards Georgina as she stood on her staircase smiling at me.

"Georgina Orwell, you're under arrest."

She casually adjusted her glasses and gave me a curious look while taking a couple steps closer to me. "Oh really? On what charge? You see, I didn't do anything." I watched her grip the top of her cane.

"You forced that man to start this fire! You're a hypnotist-"

"And who's going to believe you? It'd be so easy to alter facts you know... I'm a trusted member of this community, and you and your friends wandered into town out of nowhere and accuse me of something so ludicrous as burning down the whole town?"

"We saw you hypnotize him," I replied angrily.

Georgina continued to give me a tight lipped smile. I watched carefully as a tiny glint of silver appeared from her cane. That was no mere cane, it was a sword. She swiftly pulled it out of its hidden holster and I blocked the hit with my spyglass. Thankfully, I was trained in sword-fighting so I could defend myself.

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