Chapter 23: Back at Headquarters

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~Karen's POV

"Karen, has Ernest tried to speak to you lately," R asked.

"No ma'am," I replied, "Dewey says he's still distant but runs his side of the hotel without any differences. He's trying to keep things normal."

"Then that means he is still under the impression that we don't know what he's up to. Thank you for this information. I wish we could catch him in the act; it's not enough to go on blind faith or probable cause."

I nodded. "That sounds frustrating... I wish I could do more for the situation."

R sighed. "After Lemony told me what happened at the ball, I'm afraid of what our future will hold. Olaf with Ernest's resources is a force to reckon with."

R then tried to tell me to leave the room so she could talk with Jacqueline about private matters, but unfortunately I already knew what they wanted to discuss: Bea had told me.

"With all due respect ma'am, I know about the mushrooms and the immunizing agents that are being made. Beatrice told me before the party, and I swear I haven't said a word to anyone else; it's too dangerous to let out."

R and Jacqueline gave me a look but didn't seem offended that I knew.

"Very well then... Jacqueline, how close are they to being finished?"

"The sugar is coming along as fast as they can. But it's not done yet. The apples have been taking a while. I'm told they started growing them naturally about a few months ago." She replied. "Oh, and there's something else. Beatrice and Bertrand are on that island facility, they're overseeing the project according to the reports their boat capsized so they've been there ever since."

I couldn't stop myself from gasping in relief. My best friends had been off the radar for 4 months and I hadn't learned until this moment where they had been. I had been so busy working on the home-front that the news slipped by me. It was good to hear that Bea was helping finalize the project that would protect people from her brother's work. I'm sure she considers it a sad but necessary honor. I hope she and Bertrand are doing well.

"Sorry, I'm just glad to know my friends are ok..." I said sheepishly.

"No dear, it's quite alright, in bad times like these we take comfort in even the smallest good news," R said. "I understand your feelings. And it is far more beneficial to have them there for now as well."

But there was something else I wanted to say while I was here. Something that I had been thinking about for the past four months.

"Ma'am, I would like to make a request."

R leaned back in her desk chair and folded her hands. "Then speak freely."

"If there are any reports on the whereabouts of Count Olaf, I would like to personally request that I go after him myself."

The two blinked curiously at me. It was strange to ask for such a specific mission. The usual method is that we send you where you're needed, not where you would prefer to go. But I wanted this.

"And why would you want to go after him yourself," R asked.

"Because he tried to kill my best friend and I want to see him convicted for it. Especially if I'm the one who can catch him."

I wasn't after revenge, I wanted conviction. I wanted that bastard behind bars. I would not kill him. Revenge is his motivation. I once heard it said that "revenge is a poison blade that saves the most fatal cut for the one who seeks it the most." If Olaf couldn't be captured, his misguided quest for vengeance would be the death of him someday.


"Really?" I blurted out. I hadn't expected her to say yes.

"I don't have any reason to deny your request. You're volunteering for the job and have every right to try." R turned to Jacqueline. "Any news that our detectives find on Olaf's whereabouts are to be reported to Miss Denouement. As for catching him, you are free to act as you see fit and bring along any help you choose."

I smiled, "Thank you, ma'am, I will do my best."

She dismissed me from her office and I left to find Quinten waiting out in the hall for me. We started walking together as I told him about the job we were set to do.

"That's great to hear," He replied, "Putting that son of a bitch in jail will be satisfying."

"Not to mention it'd give Bea peace of mind. Plus, she and Bertrand crashed onto one of our island science facilities. They're safe."

Quinten smiled. "That's a weight off our shoulders, knowing they're alive."

I sighed, "Now if only we could find Esmé too..."

She was a special case. Her trail went cold almost instantly. How could such a lavish woman stay hidden so easily? It shouldn't be possible! Esmé was the kind of woman who loved being the center of attention.

"Maybe hiding is In right now," Quinten joked.

I snorted. "Oh, you..."

He shrugged, "If it makes you smile then it's worth a few bad jokes."

I rolled my eyes. How was he so goofy, yet so perfect? Well I guess I'm not one to talk since I chose to date him. I felt his arm around my shoulders.

"We'll take our enemies down. Don't you worry about that, Kare-bear."

"What would I ever do without you?"

Quinten laughed. "I think the better question is what would I ever do without you? I've seen you in action, you could kick my ass any day of the week."

"You got that right." I replied, giving him a kiss. "But you know you love me."

"Yes I do..."

We didn't know when our friends would return, but we were prepared to wait for them. And along the way, I planned to ensure that they wouldn't have to worry about Olaf when they came home.

It's what friends are for.

~End of Chapter!

This is short I know but more will happen later. I just wanted to show how Quaren was doing during this time too. :)

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