Chapter 13: Life Moves On

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~Beatrice's POV

It was strange being back at headquarters now. Everyone treated me so normally. As if the horrible headlines in the Daily Punctilio were something that happened frequently enough to be a normal occurrence. It didn't help me feel much better, but I was trying to press onward.

"You got the bowl," R asked, calmly.

"Yes ma'am, Kit took it to the facility and they have it locked up tight. Have the projects started," I asked.

"They have, and Gregor is safely unaware of our actions."

"Where are Olaf and Esmé," Jacqueline asked.

"Our sources tell us they disappeared after the opera house incident," R replied frowning, "I've got people on the hunt for them though. If they've gone rogue they can divulge crucial secrets to our enemies. And we can't allow that to happen. Beatrice?"

I quickly snapped to attention. "Yes?"

"Are you quite certain that the death of the fire chief was an accident?"

"Yes ma'am," I said quietly, "There was no predicting it."

R nodded. "Then I believe you. Lemony, I'm sorry that this happened. But if there's one thing we can handle it's bad press. Jacqueline, tell our informants inside the Daily Punctilio to ensure that we are invisible. No names, no leads, you know the rules; we can't have any civilians labeling us as the enemy. God knows we have enough of those people to deal with already..."

"Yes mother," Jacqueline replied.

"Now Lemony, I suggest that you leave town for a while. I appreciate Beatrice's initiative to ask for your help but with the way things turned out it's best if you drop off the radar for now."

Lemony nodded. "I was planning to go back to where I was taking my siesta after this."

"Good, get there quickly and stay there unless your service is required once more. And Beatrice, you've done a service to the organization by getting that bowl. Thank you both for volunteering."

I didn't feel like I had done anything for the organization, but I did feel that I had put us one step closer to allowing more people the chance to repent for their sins. Gregor was crazy, I could only hope there weren't many who actually agreed with him...

"You've accomplished your mission with only one setback, but it can be worked around. These kinds of situations have happened in the past. I will handle it personally. You are dismissed."

Lemony and I left the room. I gave him a faint smile, "So you're going back to your girl then?"

"Yes, and it will take some convincing to not have to give her a full report. She's quite stubborn, but I'll manage. And listen." He slipped a small business card into my hand. "That's from Moxie. If you need my help again, use that number, you will get an answer. However, I must warn you that the next time that my assistance is required, I probably won't be able to stop Moxie from coming with me to help."

I opened my mouth to protest, but I knew he wouldn't hear a word of it. Stubborn Lemony Jacob Snicket; always has been, always will be. Perhaps that's why he and Moxie get along so well. I quietly shoved the card into my pocket without another word.


I turned around to see Karen run up to me and give me a hug. "Where the hell have you been?"

I had forgotten that I didn't inform her of what had happened. I noticed Lemony took this opportunity to leave. "Just working on some assignments, but I'm off duty now."

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