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Hazel didn't really want to know who her mother was, she didn't have any memories of her either and she wanted to keep it that way, she had left her new born baby behind with her confused father on the day Hazel was born and that was something she could never forget.

All those restless nights were because of her and Hazel hated the idea of her mother leaving her but fate all ways shifted when she least expected it.

But the amber headed girl did have something from her mother, a golden amulet that had red sparks and sparkles spiralling through a golden gem, she had thought about asking her father but Amber knew that it would lead nothing but hatred from him.

Her dreams were weird too she never told her father as she didn't want to scare him, in her dreams she would always end up in a raging bonfire but would never burn, every dream was worse then the last but she'll never forget that dream.

"Who's there," the girls voice echoed and bounced if the walls,The room smelt of ashes and coal which made her nose itch, Suddenly she saw a large spark on her right side she quickly looked over to see a huge fire but something or someone was moving inside the blazing heat, she felt this urge to touch the red,burning fire,her eyes where burning,her head was throbbing but she still touched the fire.

"It won't hurt you,"

Hazel gasped she quickly stepped back.A small figure was moving forward out of the fire she had brownish,reddish hair,her eyes where sharp and bright gold.She had what seemed like a stone in her hand except it started to glow and it brought a sharp light to the room hazel quickly blinked.

"dddont hurt me!" Hazel exclaimed.

"We haven't got much time Amber,"

Hazel was confused a strange women came out of a fire with a glowing stone and she called her amber that wasn't right.

"My names hazel not Amber."Hazel said impatiently
"Your father is really useless,"the women said with a huff

"What do you mean useless!"
A large thump was heard from above so loud that the whole room shook violently including hazel.

"Damn they're coming," The women quickly started go near hazel.

"Who's coming?"

"No time to explain but keep this it'll keep you safe and don't lose it,"

The strange women quickly gave hazel the glowing stone it throbbed in her hands and it made her feel warm and cosy,the strange women started to pace towards the fire the thumps where becoming more frequent and louder red dust started to mould onto hazels amber hair,

"Wait!you still haven't told me who you are!"

"If you really should know my name is windy blaze-your mother"
"WAIT!!"hazel exclaimed

Everything seemed like a blur after that last phrase windy disappeared into the fire and her body started to turn into ashes brushing of with the wind,the room started to crumble but hazel could only think of those last words that her mother said.The confused girl looked down at the glowing stone and a small symbol was carved onto the stone and a word underneath "RUN"

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