Feelings unfolded

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Rosy's hands started to glimmer and shine her eyes where fully closed,her fair hair glowing like a crystal.Something flashed in front of Gaia's eyes,it seemed like a large ribbon was tying itself around the raft many times,Rosy let go of all the pressure she was holding causing her eyes to open and her hair to stop shimmering.They all stared at the raft in front of them,"Should we go in?"Amber asked,Aqua nodded still looking at the raft,Gaia notices Amber hesitate and look back at Aqua,"I'll help you don't worry,"Aqua grabbed Ambers waist and pushes her onto the raft causing her to stagger back clumsily she cached her balance and looked back,"Come on,"

Everyone ended up sitting on the raft Rosy at the front,Gaia and Will then Amber and Aqua,Aqua thought of the journey they had gone through,the bond that he created with Will and Gaia and of course Amber.He stared at his hands weaving his long fingers together he noticed Ambers warm thigh brush his thigh he flinched back,even though he didn't show it Aqua could still feel the rush of heat escalate through him when he touched Amber.The raft started to spiral upwards and quickly moved forward,Amber grabbed on to Aquas shirt keeping her balance he could feel the heat burn through his shirt she quickly swept her hands back,"I'm sorry I shouldn't of touched you,I just forgot for a second,"Her innocence killed Aquas heart he quickly turned away avoiding her eyes,"I'm sorry,"he herd a small whisper beside him he turned and looked,Amber was staring at him her wide Hazel eyes gleaming,"I-I didn't think I would burn you-I'm sorry!"She buried her head in her hands covering her petit face,Aqua stared at her in disbelief he never thought she would feel that bad,"Guys we need to stop my arms are hurting!"Will shouted he was controlling the winds so that they would keep the raft up,"Sure!"Rosy shouted,Will lowered his arms so that they would land in front of the woods.There where trees all over a stream flowed through the trees the sky was a clear blue with no clouds the smell was of dirt and rocks,They landed,"I need some fresh air,"Amber got up and went through the trees following the stream,"I'm going to,"Aqua casually got up and followed Amber.

Amber weaved through the trees stopping at a large tree filled with golden leaves,there where red and orange trees on the muddy ground.Amber heard crackling leaves behind her she turned to see Aqua standing behind her hands in pockets,his hair was tossed like he ran his hand through it his blue eyes where distant and cold,"Hi,"he said quietly,he stepped forward leaning on the tree,"Why did you follow me?"She said,suddenly interested at one of the leaves on the floor,Aqua ran his hand through his dark hair he looked up at her,"I don't know I just felt like coming,"Amber noticed him look down playing with the hem of his shirt,"Amber I don't know what's going on with me,ever since you came to the camp I just felt a spark flash through me I didn't know what,then we touched and I knew it wouldn't work but,"Amber stared at Aqua when he was talking,taking every word that he was saying,"Aqua what are you saying?"Aqua finally looked up and held his hands on Ambers cheeks,she could feel his cold hands touch her skin,his cheeks seemed like they where going red with heat,"I love you,"He pressed his soft lips against hers, his hands went down to her waist and stayed there.Amber hesitated then seeped in with the kiss she fluttered her eyes closed,he went softly ad slowly moving with the rhythm.Amber forgot about the world around her about the anxiety she felt all those days about her mother and dad,she forgot everything and fell into the kiss.

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