The quest

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Aqua stared at Amber he noticed that her hair had strips of bright red,flames.He stood up and started pacing the hospital floor his feet clacked like gun shots on the sleek floor,he never knew that such a tiny girl could have so much power he knew she was different then the others.When Aqua was 5 he had a toy soldier which his father gave him before he died,that toy was so valuable to him he walked around with it everyday except one day his father took it from him and snapped it in front of Aqua,"to love something is to destroy it."where the exact words his father said,Aqua never loved again.Thats why Aqua had to stay away from Amber"is to destroy,"where the words that ringed in Aquas mind when he saw Amber,"Can I at least change my clothes?"
Aqua was to dazed to notice Amber speaking,"I guess if you can get up,"Amber slowly sat up her face flinched with pain she carried on by moving her legs out and slowly stepping onto the ground,she slowly stood up but stumbled on her feet.Aqua moved like lightening and held Amber back up,"thanks,"Amber slowly walked to the doors before turning,"can I at least have my weapon back?"

Gaia walked quickly into to the hospital room she was looking for Aqua he took her dagger and she wanted it back,"Aqua!"Gaia saw a figure next to one of the beds slowly looking at what looked like a necklace but it was glowing,"hi Gaia,"he didn't look up he was to fixated on the amulet to look,"can I have my dagger back!i mean you just stole it and ran of!"Gaia ruffled her hair in exasperation,"Are you even listening!"She quickly marched over to Aqua,she noticed that the amulet he was holding was red with bright glowing sparks that where in the middle,Aqua turned around facing Gaia his hair had shadows that made him look older,"have you seen Amber it's been 20 minutes already,"Amber,Amber,AMBER!Thats all he talked about nowadays,"no I haven't seen her,can I just have my dagger back,"Aqua searched his pockets and found Gaias priced dagger it was silver but the handle was brown with green leaves,"finally!"Gaia snatched it out of Aquas hands,she felt his cold fingers brush her hand.She felt pain whenever she saw Aqua it made her angry that she could never have something so perfect."Aqua are you ready?"Gaia turned around,standing by the door was Amber he hair tied up in a ponytail making her cheekbones look even sharper then they where,she wore a red flannel cardigan with a plane black tank top,het shorts where grey which wear ripped in some areas.Her face looked shocked like she didn't know Gaia existed,"oh,hi Gaia I didn't know you where hear,"
"Neither did I,"Amber gave a quick anxious glance at Aqua,he slowly started to move towards the door,"umm me an Amber have to go to the big house,"Gaia had an idea in her head,"me to,"

"Come on mr hooves!"Will walked over to the adviser who was sitting in one of the chairs beside the table,"Will we had this discussion I don't think an element game is very good,"Mr hooves pinched the bridge of his nose impatiently,"pleasssseeee!"Will clasped his hands together and whimpered,Mr hooves looked at will and released a long sigh,"Fine!but if we are gonna do this you need to call all of the houses and tell them to come to the Arena so we can arrange all of this,"
"You won't regret this!"Will heard the door knock,he hesitantly opened the door Amber,Aqua and Gaia where standing outside with nervous expressions,"Hi guys!Come in come in!"Amber came first sitting in one of the chairs followed by Aqua,"Why are you here Gaia,"Will nervously glanced at Amber and Aqua which where talking about something that Will couldn't quite hear,"Can't I walk around with Aqua!how come Amber can but I can't!"Gaia strongly pushed Will out of the way and sat in between Amber and Aqua,Will sat down next to Amber,Amber started to speak,"Mr hooves I-I had a dream about my mother,she was trapped in a cage and a shadow was talking to her I don't know who," 'darkness'Will thought he knew everything to know about Darkness,"Amber has an idea about whats been going on,you told us that there was going to be a war well we might know why it's been happening,"Amber looked up at Aqua her Hazel eyes shinning,"my mum she's one of the mains and I know it already,I think all of the mains have been captured by darkness and we need to find them,"Ambers voice broke at her last word,"Darkness is trying to create new rules I think he doesn't like the ways that the elements are ruling he wants to bring back the old laws,he needs to get rid of all the elements,"Amber looked anxious her eyes wide with anticipation,"We need to get the elements back mr hooves,if you could only let us go and get them and stop darkness,"Amber took a deep breath," I only have one question do you know where darkness is?"Mr hooves crossed his arms over his chest Aqua coughed,"Well we haven't got to that bit yet but we where thinking of going to the 2 nymphs that live in the east river they have the light orb,if we can get to them we'll find the answer,"Will looked from Amber to Aqua they looked so hopefully he never saw Aqua like that in years that gleam was back in his eyes,"You two are so confident-fine you can go but you must be accompanied by two other elements and a nymph,"Aqua looked at Will,"What are you looking at?"
"will you come with us?"
"Mmm I'm not sure do I get to use one of those cool daggers!"
"Yess!"Will punched the air in victory,Gaia was looking at the ground her shoulders slumped,"wait why can't Gaia come?"Gaia looked up her eyes looked watery like two glass beads,"Yeah you should come!"Amber happily said,she was smiling her dimples forming,Will had never seen such a positive person,"Right everyone we still need to find a nymph,"Mr hooves stated,Will looked around trying to think of an idea,"why not Rosy?"

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