Lost but found

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Amber and Aqua ran back to the raft looking for Gaia,Aqua looked at Gaia head in hands.He didn't understand why Gaia was crying,to be honest he never understood Gaia,"Gaia,"Aqua got on the raft sitting behind Gaia,he shook her shoulders roughly she ended up sitting up and sniffing rapidly,"I'm fine let's go,"Gaia roughly wiped her eyes with the back of her hand,Aqua watched dazed he didn't understand why she was being like that.He glanced side ways looking at Amber picking at her nails,he thought back at what they had done in the woods.He bit his lip anxiously,he didn't know if it was right or wrong he felt like doing that for a long time but his hands throbbed of where he touched Amber they where burning,Will moved his hands forward causing the raft to shift forward,making Aqua forget his thought.

The raft was above high,icy mountains they where in Canada,"Where is the cave?"Amber asked,shouting over the winds that where blowing on her face.Amber felt something throb in her jeans pocket,she rummaged through her pocket to find the glowing rock that her mother had given her,"Guys I think this will help us,"she showed everyone the stone,"What does it say?"Amber looked at the glowing rock,something was being written on it.Amber read the scripture out loud,"The mountain underneath the horizon is where you'll find your beloved,"Amber gasped in confusion and excitement,for the whole trip she had been filled with doubt and anguish but now she found hope.

Rosy glared at the mountains ahead,they where all pilled with snow which gleamed under the suns rays.A cold breezed skimmed over Rosy's face,she looked at the sunset,a mixture of oranges and pinks swirled together,a large mountain covered the sun causing a large shadow to cast over the land,"Is it that one,"Everyone stared at the mountain which rosy pointed to,She heard Amber gasp,"It's that one you found it!"Amber sat up and crouched looking at the mountain,she reminded Rosy of a 4 year old,excitable.Will widened his arms causing the winds to rise the raft up near the clouds,"How long will it take!"Amber barked she was jittery and her eyes looked like they where on flames,"Around 1 hour,"Will stated,Amber slouched back down looking at her rock.Rosy stared at the puffy white clouds that she could almost touch,she stretched her hand out to touch the white clouds when something sharp clung onto her skin.She stared at her hand which was oozing with something grey,she looked back up to see large birds staring at her hovering.They where larger then birds there beaks red instead of yellow and their fur was grey and clung onto there skin,there beady eyes darted about hunting for something.One of them looked at Rosy and made a low grunting noise,"Guys what are those!"

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