Unusual event

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Rosy could feel that something wasn't right,she stood by her tree looking at the sky.The element camp had a special shield that protected anything from coming in even rain,she had a feeling that the shield was gone.She could hear the shrieks of elements falling onto the mud,something brushed on her arm she turned around,Mr Hooves was standing behind her holding a sack,"Rosy,Take this it'll help you in the quest,"She grabbed the bag cautiously and looked at Mr Hooves,"But the games haven't ended,"Rosy saw that something was wrong with Mr Hooves' expression,"I know,but something tells me that the games are going to end early today,"

Gaia heard another blood rippling thunder bolt crash through the sky,"Will something's wrong,"Everyone stood still in the forest,"Gaia we need to get of,NOW!"Gaia quickly stepped of their carriage,she pushed people out of her way she could see injured people scattered on the floor.Gaia saw something she never thought she would see in the camp,a large monster stood before her he was blind but had horns instead of ears,instead of a nose he had a black snout he waggled his head trying to catch people's scents,his mouth was huge and had three rows of teeth it was drooling a purple liquid.His entire body was carved with symbols his hands where on fire,Gaia saw Aqua,Will and Amber step beside her,"what is this?"Gaia saw Amber ask Aqua,she was holding the glowing stone that she held when she came to the camp,"are you gonna fight with a stone?"Amber turned around to face Gaia,"Kind of I guess,"Gaia saw Amber blush and stare at the ground,The large monster growled in fury it started pounding it's webbed feet on the muddy ground,"this thing stinks!"Gaia ran behind the monster and grabbed her dagger,she found the monsters weak spot which was the wedge in between its shoulder blades.Gaia threw her dagger which landed perfectly on the monsters back,the monster yelped with agony.Gaia could see Amber throw fire balls at the monsters legs leaving horrible burns on the Monsters legs,Amber wasn't the only one with powers.Gaia closed her eyes and thought of trees and moss she felt a large tug in her stomach,she opened her eyes to see twigs and vines curled on the monsters legs and arms.Gaia grabbed onto one of the vines that where crawling up onto the monsters shoulders.

Amber couldn't believe the image she saw in front of her eyes,Gaia had summoned leaves and twigs which where crawling onto the monster which was screaming and tugging at them.Amber felt useless at a fight that she didn't know how to end,"Amber!Crawl up onto the monsters chest and stab him there,"Aqua shouted,Amber followed his instructions except the monster was swirling and moving about,Amber was drenched with sweat but carried on she got to his chest but noticed that she didn't have a weapon.Gaia closed her eyes and imagined burning fire she opened her eyes and punched the monster on his chest except her hand was covered with fire,her hand burned through the monsters chest landing on his heart.Amber could feel the vibrations of the monsters hallow scream as Amber touched the monsters heart with her burning hand,she fell onto the ground she saw the monster wobble backwards and fall on his back.Amber quickly stood up and turned around she saw elements running around carrying weapons,Rosy,Windy and Mr hooves where standing In front of Amber shell shocked,"I I ddont know hhow that happened!"Amber ran to rosy and Mr Hooves,"You guys need to leave now!"

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