The houses

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"Wow,wow,wow calm down everyone nothing to see here!"
A chubby round man slowly started to push himself in the middle of the crowd,loud Awwws where heard and everyone scurried of.Amber looked at the ground scuffing her trainers on the dry mud,
"Well young lady I don't know who you are but you should probably leave if you don't want trouble with the others,right now if you don't want trouble with the others," the man tried to give her a smile but she could tell it was fake, Amber sighed,
"Then how comes I've been having these weird dreams?"
The man had a worried expression on his face he seemed like he was middle aged and was wearing a silver ring engraved with swirls and symbols Amber couldn't understand,
"Do you know anything about the elements deary?" The man asked
"Well no but my mums name is windy blaze" The man laughed his wrinkles visible,
"Well we haven't heard of her in a while and I don't think she had a child but we'll keep you in here until the symbol comes"
"But what sy-" the chubby man was already walking of near a wall with red,brown and blue symbols.Amber didn't know what they meant but they brought a shiver down her back,surprisingly she was able to go through the stone wall.

The amber haired girl never believed in magic but she couldn't deny the large spark that went through her body when she passed the wall causing her to yelp,
"Oh don't worry you'll get used to it,"the man gave a small back wave to Amber
"Where are we?"her voice come out quietly as people stared at the girl,
"These are the houses,you'll sleep in this house with some of the fellow unknown,that means we don't know what element you are until you get the symbol."
Amber looked at a plane White House,weeds and moth where spiralling there way onto the roof creating a disgusted look on ambers face , there where cracks the size of spider webs on the windows.Loud crashes and bangs where coming from the house,
"Don't mind that those are just the-nice unknown,now they'll figure which is your bed and your chores they'll explain the rest ta ta!"
He disappeared with a flash.Amber slowly eyed the house up and down,she wiped her hands on her jeans,she had never felt so scared before.
"New giiiiiirl!" A small boy ran towards Amber and so did 5 others,
"What's your name?"
"Where are from?"
"Are you famouse?"
Where one of the questions that where being thrown at Amber,there where rows of bunk bed and sleeping bags on the floor.The beds where overflowed with clothes or magazines,a tall girl slowly walked up to Amber.She had shiny black her and purple makeup,She was wearing a black tank top with a purple tornado on it.
"You must be the new girl whats your name again pamper?"
"Oh um actually it's Amber,"
"I guess you don't know one rule here I don't care."

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